Yakuza Zero: Trainer (+26) [1.0] {FLiNG}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Yakuza Zero: Trainer (+26) [1.0] {FLiNG}
December 8, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Yakuza Zero: Trainer (+26) [1.0] {FLiNG}
Yakuza Zero: Trainer (+26) [1.0] {FLiNG}

AuthorEditionVersionLanguageFunctionsDate of creation
FLiNGSteam1.0Eng / Chn2604.08.2018

Numpad 1Inf. HealthImmortality
Numpad 2Inf. RageInfinite. Rage
Numpad 3Inf. StaminaInfinite. Endurance
Numpad 4Inf. DurabilityInfinite. Strength
Numpad 5Inf. AmmoInfinite. Cartridges
Numpad 6Super speedSuper Speed
Numpad 7Bulet timeSlow Down Time
Numpad 0One hit killInstant Kills
Ctrl + Num 1Inf. MoneyInfinite. Money
Ctrl + Num 2Inf. CPInfinite. CP
Ctrl + Num 3Fast AchievementsFast Achievements
F1 / F2 / F3 / F42x / 4x / 8x / 16x MoneyMoney Multipliers
Alt + Num 1Max Score: SingingMax. Karaoke account
Alt + Num 2Max Score: DanceMax. Dance Counting
Alt + Num 3Inf. Baseball ballsInfinite. Balls in Baseball
Alt + Num 4Not out baseballInfinite. Qty. Baseball Misses
Alt + Num 5Always S Rank in BsbAlways S Rank in Baseball
Alt + Num 6Always win in dartsAlways Win Darts
Alt + Num 7Inf. Acceler. in 4WDInfinite. Acceleration in 4WD
Alt + Num 8Full Adj. Slot in 4WDMax. Energy reserve in 4WD
Alt + Num 9Inf. Health in Women Wres.Immortality in Women. Wrestle.
Alt + Num 0One Hit Kill in Women Wres.Instant Wins in Women Wrestle.
Alt + Num .Inf. Health in NightclubImmortality at the Nightclub
Alt + Num +Max Fever Slot in NightclubFill in the Scale at the Nightclub
Alt + PgUpMax Attr. in ClubMax. Attributes in the Club
Alt + PgDwInf. Exp. in ClubMax. Experience in the Club
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Yakuza Zero: Trainer (+26) [1.0] {FLiNG} Free Download

Instructions for use:

  • Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
  • Start the trainer first, then the game.
  • During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.


  • A false alarm of your antiviruses to the trainer is possible, do not forget to turn off AV before playing in order to avoid conflicts with it.
  • The trainer is intended for digital license only, work on pirated versions is not guaranteed!

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