Dark Souls 2: Trainer (+22) [1.11] {MrAntiFun}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Dark Souls 2: Trainer (+22) [1.11] {MrAntiFun}
October 28, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dark Souls 2: Trainer (+22) [1.11] {MrAntiFun}
Dark Souls 2: Trainer (+22) [1.11] {MrAntiFun}


  1. Inf.Health
  2. Inf.Stamina
  3. Fast kill
  4. Inf.Durability
  5. Inf.Items
  6. Inf.Items NPC
  7. Inf.Torch
  8. Inf.Spells
  9. Inf.Weight
  10. Set Cash
  11. Set Minimum Items
  12. Set VGR
  13. Set END
  14. Set VIT
  15. Set ATN
  16. Set STR
  17. Set DEX
  18. Set ADP
  19. Set INT
  20. Set FTH
  21. Stackable Items Editor
  22. Non-Stackable Items Editor


Dark Souls 2: Trainer (+22) [1.11] {MrAntiFun} Free Download

  • Trainer password: mrantifun.net, First start game then activate the trainer.
  • I suggest having two chars one for offline use on steam and one for online use, If you use this online you will get banned, Dont complain to me when this happens this is meant for single player
  • For Stackable items “e.g. Shards”, You must enter the item Id which you wanna replace and enter the item you want to have then the amount you want the new item to be at
  • For Non-Stackable items “e.g. Dagger”, You must select the weapon “Hover over it” Then quick switch to the trainer and then enter the non-stackable item you want to have instead of the one you selected .
  • Items Id list for V1.07 here
  • After have got the items, Move the new items into the items box then restart the game then start it again, After that you can do whatever you want with the new items, If you dont do this the items will disappear on restart if left in the player char.
  • Credit for the items list go to the nice people at xpgamesaves Here
  • Any problems? Check this Thread.
  • This is meant for single player gaming!.

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