Dead Space 2: Trainer (+24) [1.1] {LinGon}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Dead Space 2: Trainer (+24) [1.1] {LinGon}
April 8, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Dead Space 2: Trainer (+24) [1.1] {LinGon}
Dead Space 2: Trainer (+24) [1.1] {LinGon}

F12Trainer activation

F1Infinite Health
F2Infinite air
F3Add 999999 Credits
F4Add 10.000 Nodes
F5Infinite Hacking Time
F6Infinite ammo

Dead Space 2: Trainer (+24) [1.1] {LinGon} Free Download

F7Rappid fire
F8 – Super bullet impact
F9Infinite stasis power
F10Constant stasis power
F11Zero G – Jump / Gravity Mode Enabled Anywhere

fiveSlowmotion – Player Only
6Super speed – Player Only v1
7Super speed – Player Only v2
eightMini Size Player
nineMega Size Player
0Dead man walking

Numpad 1Slowmotion Enemys
Numpad 4Fast Enemys
Numpad 5Mini Size Enemys
Numpad 6Mega Size Enemys
Numpad 7One hit kill
Numpad 8Camera OTP
Numpad 9What the head

Insert KeyDisable What The Head


Numpad 0Store Position
Numpad 2Teleport
Numpad 3Undo teleportion

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