Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin: Trainer (+28) [1.02] {attackz / PlayGround.ru}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin: Trainer (+28) [1.02] {attackz / PlayGround.ru}
November 22, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin: Trainer (+28) [1.02] {attackz / PlayGround.ru}
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin: Trainer (+28) [1.02] {attackz / PlayGround.ru}
AuthorEditionVersionLanguageFunctionsDate of creation

Numpad 1Infinite HealthInfinite health
Numpad 2Infinite soulsEndless souls
Numpad 3Infinite SpellsEndless spells
Numpad 4Infinite torchEndless torch
Numpad 5Infinite ItemsEndless items
Numpad 6Infinite WeightInfinite weight
Numpad 7Infinite StaminaEndless endurance
Numpad 8Infinite estus flaskEndless Estus Flask
Numpad 9Infinite Buff DurationInfinite buff duration
Numpad 0Infinite Weapon DurabilityInfinite weapon durability
Numpad /Infinite Armor DurabilityInfinite armor durability
Numpad *Infinite Ring DurabilityInfinite ring strength
Numpad – Infinite souls memoryInfinite soul memory
Numpad +Infinite Shops ItemsEndless items in the shop
Numpad .No poisonedNo poisoning
F1One hit killOne Hit Kill
F2Super speedSuper speed
F3Normal SpeedNormal speed
F4Add 1 ADPAdd 1 ADP
F5Add 1 ATN Add 1 ATN
F6Add 1 DEXAdd 1 DEX
F7Add 1 ENDAdd 1 END
F8Add 1 FTHAdd 1 FTH
F9Add 1 INTAdd 1 INT
F10Add 1 STRAdd 1 STR
F11Add 1 VGRAdd 1 VGR
F12Add 1 VITAdd 1 VIT
HomeAdd 10000 SoulsAdd 10000 souls

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin: Trainer (+28) [1.02] {attackz / PlayGround.ru} Free Download

The trainer may not work on 32-bit OS. In case of problems with running the trainer, set compatibility with Windows 7.

Instructions for use:

  • Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
  • Start the trainer first, then the game.
  • During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.

    How do you rate Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin: Trainer (+28) [1.02] {attackz / PlayGround.ru} ?

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