Dark Souls 3: Trainer (+28) [1.03 – 1.10] {FLiNG}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Dark Souls 3: Trainer (+28) [1.03 – 1.10] {FLiNG}
November 29, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Dark Souls 3: Trainer (+28) [1.03 – 1.10] {FLiNG}
Dark Souls 3: Trainer (+28) [1.03 – 1.10] {FLiNG}

AuthorEditionVersionLanguageFunctionsDate of creation
FLiNGSteam1.03 – 1.09Eng / Chn2810/25/2016

Numpad 1Inf. HPImmortality
Numpad 2Inf. FPInfinite. Mana
Numpad 3Inf. StaminaInfinite. Endurance
Numpad 4Inf. ItemsInfinite. Items
Numpad 5Inf. WeightInfinite. Weight
Numpad 6Inf. DurabilityInfinite. Strength
Numpad 7100% Drop Rate100% Drop
Numpad 8Inf. SoulsInfinite. Souls
Numpad 9Add SoulsAdd Souls
Numpad 0One hit killInstant Kills
Num ./+/-Save Loc./Teleport/UndoSave Pos. / Teleport / Cancel
Page UpSuper speedSuper Speed
Page DownSouls Won’t Drop Upon DeathSouls Are Not Lost After Death
Ctrl + Num 1Add VigorAdd Vitality
Ctrl + Num 2Add AttunementAdd Concentration
Ctrl + Num 3Add enduranceAdd Stamina
Ctrl + Num 4Add vitalityAdd Load Capacity
Ctrl + Num 5Add strengthAdd Strength
Ctrl + Num 6Add DexterityAdd Dexterity
Ctrl + Num 7Add IntelligenceAdd Intelligence
Ctrl + Num 8Add FaithAdd Faith
Ctrl + Num 9Add luckAdd Luck
Ctrl + Num 0Reset LevelReset Level
Alt + Num 1No poisingNo Poisoning
Alt + Num 2No BleedingNo Bleeding
Alt + Num 3No frostedNo Freeze
Alt + Num 4No cursedNo Curses
Alt + Num 5Freeze enemiesFreeze Opponents
HomeDisable AllCancel All

Dark Souls 3: Trainer (+28) [1.03 – 1.10] {FLiNG} Free Download

Instructions for use:

  • Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
  • Start the trainer first, then the game.
  • During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.


  • A false alarm of your antiviruses to the trainer is possible, do not forget to turn off AV before playing in order to avoid conflicts with it.
  • The trainer is intended for digital license only, work on pirated versions is not guaranteed!

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