Dead Space 2: Trainer (+18) [1.1: Repack by Other’s] {LAGARIUM}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Dead Space 2: Trainer (+18) [1.1: Repack by Other’s] {LAGARIUM}
September 28, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Dead Space 2: Trainer (+18) [1.1: Repack by Other’s] {LAGARIUM}
Dead Space 2: Trainer (+18) [1.1: Repack by Other’s] {LAGARIUM}

Trainer functions:

1: Infinite Health + Infinite Stasis
2: Endless Stasis Freeze
3: Infinite Ammo
4: Precision Shooting
5: Weapon Damage (100)
6: Rate of Fire-RapidFire

Dead Space 2: Trainer (+18) [1.1: Repack by Other’s] {LAGARIUM} Free Download

7: No capture from Necromorphs
8: No rocking camera when walking
9: Camera
10: Player Speed ​​(2.5)
11: Fast Run (3)
12: Infinite Nodes
13: Infinite Air
14: Infinite Credits
15: Infinite Hacking Time
16: Gravity + No collision
Fast running (3) in vacuum does not work and there may be bugs in kats scenes where the aizik runs so it was in 3 parts so I didn’t add it to the trainer.

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