Dead Space 2: Trainer (+20) [1.0 Repack by xatab] {Ded_Mazay1991}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Dead Space 2: Trainer (+20) [1.0 Repack by xatab] {Ded_Mazay1991}
November 24, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Dead Space 2: Trainer (+20) [1.0 Repack by xatab] {Ded_Mazay1991}
Dead Space 2: Trainer (+20) [1.0 Repack by xatab] {Ded_Mazay1991}

Then start the game with the trainer. If some function does not turn on, press [Delete] (this is like a reset) and then turn it on. Teleport carefully, or you will fall out into space 🙂

Dead Space 2: Trainer (+20) [1.0 Repack by xatab] {Ded_Mazay1991} Free Download

The infinite ammo function works like this: pick up ammo and a full stack of these cartridges appears in your inventory. And their number does not decrease when reloading weapons.

If the game crashes when you try to freeze it completely [Shift + F10], then use the freeze by coordinates. It is safer for game scripts.

With complete disabling of necromorph spawning, be careful! Sometimes they have to appear according to the script, otherwise the plot of the game will not advance 🙂

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