Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil: Trainer (+6) [v.1.3 / 1.3.1 / * STEAM] {h4x0r}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil: Trainer (+6) [v.1.3 / 1.3.1 / * STEAM] {h4x0r}
December 17, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil: Trainer (+6) [v.1.3 / 1.3.1 / * STEAM] {h4x0r}

* This Trainer fits both the original Retail version of Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (2005) and its Steam version.
For the Official Build from “1C” – not suitable.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil: Trainer (+6) [v.1.3 / 1.3.1 / * STEAM] {h4x0r} Free Download

For the modified version (including with the integrated patch 1.3.1) – suitable.
Performance tested for:
1. OS Windows7 (x64) Pro (RUS).
2. Build: Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil [v.1.3.1304] (Russian modified version).
Date of creation: 2009.
Author: h4x0r

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil: Trainer (+6) [v.1.3 / 1.3.1 / * STEAM] {h4x0r}


Instructions for use

1. Unpack the Trainer from the archive into a folder previously added to the Anti-Virus exclusions – otherwise the file may be deleted by the protection program. Archive password:
2. Run the Trainer – wait until the entire “green bar” is filled.
3. Launch Doom3. Wait for the Main Menu to appear.
4. From the Main Menu of the Game, activate / deactivate the required options (cheats) using the appropriate “hot keys” (operations are accompanied by a voice message) – do this BEFORE starting the game or loading the save.
ATTENTION! Activating / deactivating cheats directly during the gameplay is highly NOT recommended! This can (and most likely will) lead to BSOD.
5. Play.

When you move from level to level, the performance of the activated options (cheats) is preserved. To deactivate them, if you have already started playing, it is recommended to exit the Game, restart the Trainer and restart the Game..
The performance of the Trainer / Game with any other options for their joint use is not guaranteed.
Options (cheats):
NUMPAD1 – Infinite Health | unlimited health
NUMPAD2 – Infinite Armor | unlimited armor
NUMPAD3 – Infinite Power Supply | unlimited stamina
NUMPAD4 – Infinite Ammo | unlimited clips (option may make it impossible to use the artifact)
NUMPAD5 – Shooting Without Reloading | no reload
NUMPAD6 – 1 Hit / Shot Kill | one hit kill
Good game!

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