Fifa Manager 10: Trainer (+100) []

Home » Video Game Trainers » Fifa Manager 10: Trainer (+100) []
December 31, 2021
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fifa Manager 10: Trainer (+100) []

Hyper trainer for all versions works with license and pirate
Over 100 functions

Fifa Manager 10 –
Fifa Manager 10: Trainer (+100) []
Logo MegaDev
© 2002-2010
Addressing: CCJ39, Michel325, HWFloVersion: – /
General: This trainer was created with and for the original version of FIFA Manager 10 (by EA / BF). The supported gameversion is shown in the trainer. If a patch will be released which isn’t listed in the trainer yet, we will try to make an update for this as soon as possible, because patches generally change the memory addresses and therefore the trainer does not work for other versions than indicated.

Important: All cheats were tested with the listed gameversions. Cheats with a star (*) in the row “Value” are only working, if you enter the hotkey for the value first. Sometimes are more than one cheat listed with * among each other. For these cheats the values ​​are given after the last cheat of this group.

Fifa Manager 10: Trainer (+100) [] Free Download

KeyIDCheat / Value hotkeyValueDescription
[L] Alt + XDisable cheatsDisables the writing-effect of all cheats.
[L] Alt + QClose gameImmediately close the game and trainer.
[L] Ctrl + AC1Unlimited negotiation-rounds for main-sponsorActivate this cheat when you’re within the negotiation-menu at the beginning of the saison (shirt). As long as active, you can negotiate as long as you like. But don’t overplay!
[L] Ctrl + [L] Shift + AM28Unlimited negotiation-rounds for managersponsorsActivate this cheat as soon as you’re in the managersponsor-negotiation menu. As long as active, you’ll have unlimited negotiation-rounds.

Since version

[L] Ctrl + HC7Unlimited negotiation-rounds for adboardsThis cheat allows you to negotiate with a ad-boards to achieve a high income finally. First activate the cheat, and then click on negotation. But be careful do not overdo it!
[L] Shift + GM7Unlimited negotiation-rounds for club-contractEndless rounds of negotiations at the team contract: you can order any length with your new club may negotiate in order to get so a higher salary. Enable cheat at screen in the negotiation and negotiate as needed.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Shift + BM29Unlimited negotiation-rounds for nationalteam-contractActivate this cheat as soon as you’re in the contract-negotiation menu for the nationalteam. If you negotiate in small steps you’ll have unlimited negotiation-rounds.

Since version

[L] Shift + MM13Unlimited points for player-careerInfinitelly points as Player-Manager: To get more points for player-manager use this cheat. Enable cheat where you can distribute your points.
[L] Shift + ZM26Quiz – always correct answer*As long as this cheat is active, every answer in the quiz will be correct.
[L] Ctrl + CC6Club-balanceoneClub-balance: Go to the finances menu and choose in one of the two calculation part expenses. Now go e.g. to Newscenter and activate the cheat. Switch to finances menu and see result (all expenses were set to 1).
[L] Ctrl + BC6Clubmoney*Clubmoney: Activate this cheat (e.g. in the menu of the first team) and then switch to finances menu. Disable the cheat after it’s done like every cheat.
[L] Shift + BM1Managermoney*Managermoney: Activate this cheat (e.g. in the menu of the first team) and then switch to Career. Make sure you disable the cheat after it.
[L] Ctrl + UC15Budget: Nationalteam*Budget Nationalteam: Activate the cheat in the club and then switch to the nationalteam. The widget for the budget of the nationalteam should be enabled.
[L] Ctrl + DC2Budget player salary*Budgets: Activate this cheat in the finances menu and then switch to the budget-submenu.
[L] Ctrl + EC3Budget Transfers*Budgets: Activate this cheat in the finances menu and then switch to the budget-submenu.
[L] Ctrl + FC4Budget Buildings*Budgets: Activate this cheat in the finances menu and then switch to the budget-submenu.
[L] Ctrl + GC5Budget other*Budgets: Activate this cheat in the finances menu and then switch to the budget-submenu.
[L] Alt + 15.000
[L] Alt + 210.000
[L] Alt + 320.000
[L] Alt + 450.000
[L] Alt + 5100.000
[L] Alt + 6200.000
[L] Alt + 7300.000
[L] Alt + 8500.000
[L] Alt + 9750.000
[L] Alt + 01 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 11.5 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 22 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 33, 4 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 45 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 57, 5 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 610 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 712 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 815 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 920 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + [L] Alt + 025 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 135 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 250 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 375 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 4100 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 5179, 9 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 6250 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 7500 Mio.
[L] Ctrl + 81 Bil.
[L] Ctrl + 92 Bil.
[L] Ctrl + 05 Bil.
[L] Shift + AM2Manager-points*Activate this cheat (e.g. in the menu of the first team) and then switch to the career-menu. You s

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