Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 6.5)

Home » Video Game Trainers » Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 6.5)
December 22, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 6.5)

A versatile tool with a huge number of settings, functions and capabilities.
This small script allows the player to do almost whatever they want with the game, and also supports controller input..

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 6.5) Free Download

F3 – open the menu, F4 – hide the menu. Trainer only for story game!

After unpacking the archive “1ffccc-trainerv.rar” copy all the contents to the game directory.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 6.5)

Changes from 6.4
-Added object spawn unlocker from GTAMultiplayer Team into trainer.
-Added All objects to trainer, replaced objects 1 -objects 6 with two Object list menus that will allow you to select all objects (objects 1 – objects 44).
Be aware, many objects simply don’t work, but they are all selecteable.
-Added 4 Different MOC teleports in the Gunrunning teleport menu. These are using objects, thanks to Nkjellman for providing the objects and coordinates.
-Added 100 additional Vehicle Save slots.
-Added 40 additional Added Vehicle slots.
-Weapon Damage Multiplier can now have negative values.
Several Airbreak changes:
-Renamed Airbreak Speed ​​Menu to Airbreak Settings Menu.
-Enable Vehicle / Player Invisible in Airbreak Settings Menu, when enabled both Vehicle and Player will be invisible when airbreak is enabled.
-Enable Vehicle / Player No Collision in Airbreak Settings Menu, when enabled both Vehicle and Player will have no collision when airbreak is enabled.
-Both options will be saved when save all settings is used.
-Ability to enable airbreak using controller, hold X and pres LS.
-Airbreak controls will not work if the menu is on screen.

ini Changes:
ControllerAirbreak1 = 203 // Default X
ControllerAirbreak2 = 86 // Default LS

Added Vehicles:
40 additional slots

You can just retain the ini, just copy the two lines under keybindings changes over to your existing ini (under keybindings), which is optional if you don’t intend on changing it anyway.
You can also copy the 40 additional added vehicle slots, copy from Enable281 = 0 until DisplayName320 = Car 320 over to your existing ini (under added cars),
again optional if you don’t use those slots.

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