Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6)

Home » Video Game Trainers » Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6)
December 30, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6)

For version 1.27
Throw in the game folder
Open F3
Navigation Num

Changes from 1.5
-Voices now work on the character, and, thanks to jedijosh920 for finding relatives, which allows this

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6) Free Download

-Fixed an issue with RB + x not always opening the menu correctly depending on how you closed it.
-Added raise / lower convertible roof in the doors menu, this also persists when rescuing a vehicle is in use.
-key for airbreak changed the F6 key is used as the toggle key to Franklin, New key G + 6.
-fixed parachute shades not being applied at game start
-key for TS God mode g + 9
-when using custom menus, the pearl color (RGB colors) remained, you can now remove those if you wish). Also the custom menu color will work on the saved vehicle.
-keybind for the saved vehicle (k + Num 1), delete the saved vehicle (k + num 0 key) and teleport to the saved vehicle (k + Num 2).
-Keybind to loop through passenger seats (k + Num 3).
-keybind to enable / disable gravity cannon (k + qty 4) and blow up police cars (k + num 5) and bodygards teleport to the player (k + number 6).
-added missing hop knife, again thanks to choc4444 for providing these.
-changed the time to freeze so that the time is not ahead, but saving and watching TV works again. I will hear when someone does not want it and I will do it as an option.
-Fixed bug with real-time duration of not loaded hours.
-some paperscrap teleports have been fixed thanks to flavaone.
-Added Vinewood souvenirs Teleports to pickup teleport menu thanks to choc4444.
-slowly returns object materials, the ability to select from the last spawned 500 objects, move them, clone them, make them visible / invisble and dynamic / static.
in addition to Save and load for objects. in ini returns, this will save the last 250 objects to objects. in ini so that they can be loaded on demand.
-object preview, when there are 1 – 6 objects in objects, press and hold x will preview the selected object.
-object, movement speed and rotation speed are saved when save settings are used, this can be set in the object move screen.
-lower the car makes a return as well, including the ability to set the force that is applied (which is also saved when the save settings are in use).
-Added Bahama Mama West and Dr. Friedlander’s office to other teleport interiors, thanks to TaazR for providing missing native.
-leave the engine running now fulfills the light state into consideration.

changes in files. ini:
Defaults (these are automatically added when save all settings is run)
ObjectMoveSpeed ​​= 0.5 // Object Move Speed
ObjRotati0.5 // Object Rotation Speed
LowerCar = 0 // LowerCar
LowerCarForce = -0.02 // Lower Car Force

Keybindings (copy those to your existing trainerv.ini)
DSavedVehicleKey1 = 75 // Delete Saved Vehicle Default K
DSavedVehicleKey2 = 96 // Delete Saved Vehicle Default Num 0
SavedVehicleKey1 = 75 // Saved Vehicle Default K
SavedVehicleKey2 = 97 // Saved Vehicle Default Num 1
TSavedVehicleKey1 = 75 // Teleport to Saved Vehicle Default K
TSavedVehicleKey2 = 98 // Teleport to Saved Vehicle Default Num 2
CyclePassengerKey1 = 75 // Cycle through Passenger Seats Default K
CyclePassengerKey2 = 99 // Cycle through Passenger Seats Default Num 3
GravityGunKey1 = 75 // Enable Gravity Gun Default K
GravityGunKey2 = 100 // Enable Gravity Gun Default Num 4
ExplodeCopCarKey1 = 75 // Explode Cop Car Default K
ExplodeCopCarKey2 = 101 // Explode Cop Car Default Num 5
BGteleportKey1 = 75 // Teleport Bodygaurds Default K
BGteleportKey2 = 102 // Teleport Bodygaurds Default Num6

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 1.6)

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