Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)

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By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)

Author: sjaak327
Throw in the game folder
Open menu F3
Choice Num 5
Navigation Num 2 \ 8 \ 4 \ 6

Place all files in the GTA directory

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0) Free Download

(C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ Grand Theft Auto V) 64-bit
(C: \ Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ Grand Theft Auto V) 32-bit
(ScriptHookV.dll and ASI loader inside the archive)

Changelog 2.0
-fixed issue with dynamic objects not being saved correctly
-added ability to save ini file with specific name, (Save last 250 Spawned Object to custom ini) this allows you to name your ini something other than objects-objects4.ini.
-added ability to search for ini files in V’s main Directory, this allows you to list all ini files in V’s directory (except trainerv.ini) and load the one you want.
-atttached objects return, you can attach objects to the Vehicle you are in, the Saved Vehicle, the player and the last or specific Bodyguard Ped.
-You can of course move attached objects and detach them
-Ability to save attached objects to Vehicle, Player or Bodyguard / Ped
-Added Camera that follows the object in object move screen, press F10 to enable. I don’t know how usefull this will be, but it is there. You can use mouse to rotate the camera.
Works also when you press RCTRL + C to clone object in move screen, it will then follow the cloned object if the camera was enabled. Press F10 again to return to normal camera.
-Added 4 additional Vehicle Color Load / Save slots
-Added “by the book house” to other teleports, interiors.
-Added teleport to Aircraft Carrier and Heist Yaht, for this a separate mod is needed

Hotkey list:



RCTRL + F5 Always God Mode On / Off
G + 6 Enable / Disable Airbreak
N Next Track
L Left Indicator
K Right Indicator

Teleport F10:

Num 0 Save House Michael
Num 1 save house franklin
Num 2 Save House Franklin 2
Num 3 Save House Trevor
Num 4 Lake Vinewood
Num 5 Vinewood Open-Air Theater
Num 6 Sisyphus Open-Air Theater
Num 7 Vinewood Sign
Num 8 Vinewood Radio Tower
Num 9 Observatory

In-game Menu:

F3 Display Menu Controller: RB + X button
Backspace Cancel Menu Controller: RB + X button
Num 4 Scroll Menu Down Controller: Dpad Left
Num 6 Scroll Menu Up Controller: Dpad Right
Num 2 Scroll Menu Options Down Controller: Dpad Down
Num 8 Scroll Menu Options Up Controller: Dpad Up
Num 5 Enter Option Controller: A button
Num 0 Back to Main Menu Controller: B button
F4 Hide / Unhide Menu

Car changes:

RCtrl + Num 0 Lock Car doors
RCtrl + Num 1 Fix Car
RCtrl + Num 2 Flip Car
RCtrl + Num 3 Clean Car
RCtrl + Num 4 Change Car Color Slot 1
RCtrl + Num 5 Change Car Color Slot 2
RCtrl + Num 6 Change Car Color Slot 3
RCtrl + Num 7 Change Car Color Slot 4
RCtrl + Num 8 Change Car Color Slot 5
RCtrl + Num 9 Change Car Color Slot 6


Num 4 / Dpad Left Left
Num 6 / Dpad Right Right
Num 2 / Dpad Down Back
Num 8 / Dpad Up Front
Num 5 / A button Center

Airbreak keys:
W / A button Up
S / B button Down
Num 8 / Dpad up Forward
Num 2 / Dpad down Back
Num 6 / Dpad right Rotate clock wise
Num 4 / Dpad left Rotate counter clock wise
Right Arrow / LS Tilt Right
Left Arrow / LS Tilt Left

Spawn Vehicles:

LAlt + A TurismoR
LAlt + B Comet
LAlt + C Infernus
LAlt + D F620
LAlt + E Feltzer
LAlt + F Schafter
LALT + G Elegy
LAlt + M Bati 801
LAlt + N Sanchez
LAlt + R Random Vehicle
LAlt + T Annihilator
LAlt + U Maverick
LAlt + X Jetmax


Num 9 Vehicle Speedup
Num 3 Vehicle Im. Stop
Num + Fire Vehicle Rockets
Num * Tune to Default Radio
insert Clear Wanted Level
Pageup Spawn Att Driver / Ped
Delete Teleport to Waypoint
End Car Alarm
“Go through Doors
/? Explode nearest car
= + Teleport to Marker
G + 7 Cruise Control
G + 8 Skylift Attach Vehicle
G + 9 E / D Vehicle God Mode
Pagedown Add waypoint to marker

F10 + 0/9 Save current position to teleport slot

World Conditions:
Ralt + Num 0 Cycle Time Scale
Ralt + Num 1 Noon (12)
Ralt + Num 2 Afternoon (18)
Ralt + Num 3 Evening (23)
Ralt + Num 4 Night (05)
Ralt + Num 5 Ahead one Hour
Ralt + Num 6 Back one Hour
Ralt + Num 7 Give All Weapons
Ralt + Num 8 Add Armor
Ralt + Num 9 Max Health

O + Num 0 Enable / Disable Siren
O + Num 1 Enable / Disable Never Wanted
O + Num 2 Set Nearest Ped on Fire
O + Num 3 Ragdoll Nearest Ped
O + Num 4 Freeze Nearest Ped
O + Num 5 Unfreeze Nearest Ped
O + Num 6 Recruit Bodyguard
O + Num 7 Spawn Bodyguard
O + Num 8 Spawn Ped
O + Num 9 All Bodyguards / Peds Leave

I + Num 0 Vehicle Rotation each press 90 degrees
I + Num 1 Open Left Front Door
I + Num 2 Open Right Front Door
I + Num 3 Close Left Front Door
I + Num 4 Close Right Front Door
I + Num 5 Engine On / Off
I + Num 6 Car / Player Invisible / Visible
I + Num 7 Trigger / Silence Car Alarm
I + Num 8 Load Saved Vehicle Slot 1
I + Num 9 Load Saved Vehicle Slot 2

K + Num 0 Delete Saved Vehicle
K + Num 1 Save Vehicle
K + Num 2 Warp to Saved Vehicle
K + Num 3 Cycle Through Passenger Seats
K + Num 4 Enable / Disable Gravity Gun
K + Num 5 Blow Up Cop Cars
K + Num 6 Teleport Bodyguards to Player
K + Num 7 Spawn Random Bodyguard
K + Num 8 Player Ragdoll
K + Num 9 Toggle Night / Thermal / Normal vision

J + Num 0 Last Played Animation
J + Num 1 EPM Down
J + Num 2 EPM Up
J + Num 3 ETM Down
J + Num 4 ETM Up
J + Num 5 Enable Aim SlowMotion
J + Num 6 Enable Drive SlowM

Gravity gun

Aim get target
Shoot Release Target
Arrow Up / Dpad up Move Away
Arrow Down / Dpad down Move Closer


Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer 2.0)


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