Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 10.0)

Home » Video Game Trainers » Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 10.0)
November 25, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 10.0)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 10.0)


A versatile tool with a huge number of settings, functions and capabilities.
This small script allows the player to do almost whatever they want with the game, and also supports controller input..

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Simple Trainer for GTA V 10.0) Free Download

F3 – open the menu, F4 – hide the menu. Trainer only for story game!


After unpacking the archive “f110ac-TrainerV.rar” copy all contents to the game directory + Script Hook V.


Changes from 9.9
-Fixed the media room door not changing color.
-Fixed the conference room door not opening, my R what crap, took me quite some time.
-Fixed the Party Bar thing not always working.
-Added Titles on the Arcade Screens.
-Ability to Set Decorations in the Casino Penthouse, those will of course also be saved when save to ini is used. All 190 locations are in, however, the offered objects are
based on video’s I have watched. I assume R offers certain objects based on the color of the Penthouse, I have choosen to just offer a list per location based on
the video’s I watched, this is as good as it gets.
-The wall screen at the office works.
-Ability to open the safe and gunlocker in the office.
-Ability to enable or disable the clutter in the Penthouse.
-Ability to enable or disable the “After Party mess” in the bar.
-The big screen in the media room works with internal trainer TV system.
-Added a lot of missing walking styles (thanks to InfamousSabre). There are now 561 walking styles in Trainer.
-Change the Vehicle Sports 2nd menu, it can now be invoked from the sports menu, similar to the added vehicle menu.

No ini changes


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