Home> Activate
F1> Infinite Health
F2> Infinite Suppressor
F3> Infinite Ammo / Explosives
F4> No Reload
F5> Super Accuracy
F6> setting custom GMP
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: Trainer (+23) [1.05] {LinGon} Free Download
F7> Setting Custom Heroism
F8> Deleting Players Views
F9> High Material Resource Amount
F10> Decrease Time – Time Day
F11> Increase Time – Time of Day
F12> Restore Mission Time To 0
Page Up> Speed Up
Page Down> Slow Motion
Ctrl + 7> Super Speed
Ctrl + U> Unlock Weapon / Item Evolution
Ctrl + B> Instant Weapon / Item Crafting Time
Ctrl + N> Instant Object Base Development Time
Ctrl + O> No Weapon Overheat
Ctrl + P> Fast Fire
End> Super Stealth
Insert> Teleport To Point
Number 8> Save Location
Number 9> Teleport
Number 0> Undo Teleport