Monster Hunter: World: Trainer (+67) [UPD: 01/09/2020 – 06/03/2020] {FLiNG}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Monster Hunter: World: Trainer (+67) [UPD: 01/09/2020 – 06/03/2020] {FLiNG}
June 23, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

By Year

Posted by:> FLiNG
Edition: Steam
Game Version: Latest
Trainer Language: English / Chinese
Number of Functions: 67
Creation Date Trainer: 06/11/2020

Monster Hunter: World: Trainer (+67) [UPD: 01/09/2020 – 06/03/2020] {FLiNG}

Functions of Monster Hunter: World: Trainer (+67) [UPD: 01/09/2020 – 06/03/2020] {FLiNG}:

Numpad 1: Immortality
Numpad -: Invincibility, All Damage Immunity
Numpad 2: Besk. Endurance
Numpad 3: Besk. Definition
Numpad 4: Besk. Bags for Things
Numpad 5: Besk. Sling
Numpad 6: Veil Without Cooldown
Numpad 7: Change Game Speed
Numpad 8: Destroying Body Parts with One Hit
Numpad 9: One Hit Wounds
Numpad 0: One Hit Kills
Numpad.: 100% Crete
Numpad +: Super Elemental Damage
Ctrl + Num 1: Add Money
Ctrl + Num 2: Add Research Points
Ctrl + Num 3: Besk. Good Luck Vouchers
Ctrl + Num 4: Besk. Items
Ctrl + Num 5: Free Level Up Equipment
Ctrl + Num 6: Create Free Equipment
Ctrl + Num 7: Free Equipment Augmentation
Ctrl + Num 8: Max. Palico Level
Ctrl + Num 9: Max. Palico Gadget Performance
Ctrl + Num 0: Max. Raider Level
Ctrl + Num.: Instant Recharge Palico Gadgets
Ctrl + Num +: Show All Monsters on a Map
Ctrl + Num -: Invisibility
Ctrl + Home: Besk. Buffs
Ctrl + PageUp: Show Monster Health
Ctrl + Insert: Edit Player Name
Ctrl + Delete: Edit Palico Name
Ctrl + F1: Research Points Multiplier
Ctrl + F2: Experience Multiplier
Ctrl + F3: Damage Multiplier
Ctrl + F4: Get All Rewards
Ctrl + F5: 10x Bonus, Expedition Reward
Ctrl + F6: Max. Monster Exploration Level
Ctrl + F7: Edit Hunter level
Ctrl + F8: Besk. Resource Collection
Ctrl + F9: Besk. Augmentation Slots
Ctrl + F10: Master Experience Multiplier
Ctrl + F11: Defense Multiplier
Alt + F5: Max. Landmarks by Region
Alt + F6: Max. Jewelery and Slots Level
Alt + F7: Change Hunter Level
Alt + F8: Change Wizard Level
Alt + F9: Besk. Investigations
Alt + F10: Besk. Lures
Alt + F11: Max. Jewelery Level
Alt + F12: Easy Unlock. Seth Armor Skills
Alt + Num 1: Long Sword, Max. Spirit Scale
Alt + Num 2: Great Sword, Mg. Charge
Alt + Num 3: Hammer, Quick Charge
Alt + Num 4: Charged Sword, Max. Charge
Alt + Num 5: Ax, Always Strengthened
Alt + Num 6: Spear, No Reload
Alt + Num 7: Spear, No Overheat
Alt + Num 8: Bow, Mg. Charge
Alt + Num 9: Double Blades, Max. Demon Scale
Alt + Num 0: Sword of Insects, Max. Continued Collection
Alt + Num.: All Pistols, No Reload
Alt + Num +: All Pistols, No Recoil
Alt + Num -: Heavy Gun, Rapid Fire
Alt + PageUp: All Guns, Best Damage

== – == – == – == – == – ==
Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
Run the trainer first, then the game.
During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.

    How do you rate Monster Hunter: World: Trainer (+67) [UPD: 01/09/2020 – 06/03/2020] {FLiNG} ?

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