Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Mega Trainer / MegaTrainer by Overide2Zion / 2TheZion Hack Studios NFS-Planet

Home » Video Game Trainers » Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Mega Trainer / MegaTrainer by Overide2Zion / 2TheZion Hack Studios NFS-Planet
November 9, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Mega Trainer / MegaTrainer by Overide2Zion / 2TheZion Hack Studios NFS-Planet
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Mega Trainer / MegaTrainer by Overide2Zion / 2TheZion Hack Studios NFS-Planet

Software version: 1.3
Required game version: 1.3
Interface language: English
Required game language: no matter
Description: NFSMW-MegaTrainer
Trainer also fits Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted – Black Edition

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Mega Trainer / MegaTrainer by Overide2Zion / 2TheZion Hack Studios NFS-Planet Free Download

To get 900,000,000 you need to start the game but not enter it, first load the profile and then start the trainer and press the F1 key, when you go to the “Career” menu, you will see that a new amount of money has appeared on the account.
* F1 – Switching endless cash ($ 90 million)
* F2 – Toggles +90,000,000 rating- after being chased
* F3 – Toggles endless use of Nitros
* F4 – Toggles infinite speed \ infinite deceleration
* F5 – Toggle instant reload after dodging police, chase finale without waiting
* F6 – Toggle instant dodge pursuit – drop cops
* F7 – Switches the police will never be able to arrest
* F8 – Dreg switching engine does not overheat
* F9 – Toggle – heat rating (around the map)
* F10 – Turns on the cops without amplification
* F11 – Fixing changes in the garage – in order to tune it, you need to hover over the desired body kit or other engine and press F11 after which it will automatically install it.
Note: For the trainer to work correctly, Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is required
Installation method:
Start the game, minimize [ALT + TAB] and start NFSMW-MegaTrainer, use the keys that are indicated in the trainer.

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