Need For Speed: Most Wanted: Trainer (+14, Teleporter) [1.3]

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6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Need For Speed: Most Wanted: Trainer (+14, Teleporter) [1.3]

Purpose of the program – Game-Trainer-Language-Multi [v1.3] (Game trainer version 1.3)

Only Need For Speed: Most Wanted + Black Edition, version 1.3 works!

Need For Speed: Most Wanted: Trainer (+14, Teleporter) [1.3] Free Download

Language doesn’t matter.

Only works Need for Speed: Most Wanted Version 1.3! Language should not matter.

Features of this program:

– Any amount of money (enter the desired amount of money in the empty field and click Write Value and fix this amount of money with the Get value button)
– Teleport
– Infinite nitro
– Infinite speed
– There will never be an arrest
– Freeze the chase of time
– Bias from thorns
– On the dreg, the engine does not overheat
– No police
– Takeoff of the car at speed (with the camera or just a vertical takeoff from a place)
– Collision-free and drive-through
– Enable all 81- (83 Black Edition) vehicles – even those that have been locked
– Include all auto parts and tuning parts for all car brands
– Car parts for free

Note: The steeper your vehicle, the harder it is to race, especially at the beginning of your career.

Advantage of the program: All cheats that are included in this program work.
Disadvantages of the program: Due to the fact that the Russian translation is not integrated, after using the trainer, the Russian-language game becomes English, the language changes to the one that will be indicated in the trainer in the “Setting” section, if the language is not specified, then it will automatically remain English after the coach is closed. This can be treated by Russification of the game (a package of Russifiers is attached and instructions on how to install each of them – 4 in total) When installing Russifiers in the installers, indicate the path to your game.
1) Option (Read Values) – Read values
2) Option (Write Values) – Create value values

Installation method: Run from any place, click on the RUN THE GAME button in the trainer, minimize the game by pressing [Alt + Tab], use the keys you need indicated in the trainer – the Numpad keys are not working, check the boxes you need – manually. The main functions of the assignment of the trainer and the work of the keys – translated into Russian, readable and memorized

The main functions of the assignment of the trainer and the work of the keys – translated into Russian, readable and memorized
Money / RUS – Money
Get Value – Get value
Write Value – Write value
Pursuit / RUS – Pursuit
Infinite NOS – Infinite NOS (nitro) -> Numpad 1 ==> +1 Dodget Police Car (cheat nitro)
Infinite Speedbreaker- Infinite Speed ​​-> Numpad 2 ==> +1 Wrecked Police Car
Never Get Busted -> Numpad 3 ==> +1 Passed Roadbloks
Freeze Pursuit-Time – Freeze Pursuit -> Numpad 4 ==> +1 Evaded Spike Strips (dodged spikes)
No Police Backup -> Numpad + ==> + 10.000 $ Bounty (Bounty Bonus)

E ==> Jump 6m increase / decrease flight range
F ==> Toggle Ghost-Mode ON / OF No Collision and Pass Through
================================================== ================================================== ===== ———————————————————————————————————
Extras / RUS – Additional
Enable All Cars – Enable all cars
Enable All Carparts – Enable all auto parts and tuning parts for all car brands
Car parts 4 Free – Car parts 4 free
================================================== ================================================== =====
Settings / RUS – Settings
Language / RUS – Select the language in the settings
* German – German
* English US – English US
* Dutch – Dutch
* Italian – Italian
* Polish – Polish
* French – French
* English UK – English UK
* Danish – Danish
* Spanish – Spanish
* Swedish – Swedish
================================================== ================================================== ======
Settings / RUS – Settings
1) Option (Read Values) – Read values
2) Option (Write Values) – Create value values

How to configure / RUS – How to configure

1. Click on “Read Values” to get the latest values ​​from the registry

2. Now you CSN change the settings as you want

3. Click on “Create Values” to save the settings in the registry

If you click on “Create Values ​​Values” without selecting any language, the language will be set to “US English”

ENG – How to configure

1. Click on “Read Values” to receive the recent values ​​from the registry

2. Now you csn edit the settings as you want

3. Click on “Write Values” to store the settings to the registry


If you click on “Write Values” without selecting any language, the language will be set to “English US”

Teleport operation
Select a shop or auto repair shop sign on the trainer’s card, click on this sign and fix it with the “Teleport” key – return to the game.

Help / RUS – Help

How to use this tool

1. You can run the trainer from any place from the desktop by clicking on the run button in the trainer (RUN THE GAME),
2. Start of the game
3. Minimize the game, use the clamp of both keys [Alt + Tab] – in the trainer we indicate the necessary actions (put a check mark)
4. Return to the game, play.

Click on the “get value” button. Now your actual money-valuable Shoud appears.

Now you can change the value and click the “Create Ratio” button to store it.

Never Busted – There will never be an arrest

Busted – meter distance will still be red – but fear not !, you will never get arrested!

No Police Backup = Disable Backup-Timer.

No Impact Engines – Your engine does not overheat in Drag-mode.

Toggle Ghost Mode ON / OF = You will be able to pass through other vehicles and some obstacles. But be careful, if the Ghost mode is on, the police will arrest you very quickly from a long distance! So make sure you enable “never busted – never get arrested”!

How To Use This Tool
1. Start The Tool
2. Start The Game (you can even click on the run-button)
3. Use The Tool
4. Have Fun


Click on “Get Value”. Now your actual money-valu shoud appear.
Now you can change the value and click “Write Value” to store it.

Never get busted
The busted-meter will still become red, but you will never get busted!

No Police Backup
Disables the backup-timer.

No blown engines
Your engine will not overheat in Drag-Mode.

Toggle Ghost-Mode ON / OF
You will be able to drive through other cars. But be careful, if Ghost-Mode is enabled,
the police will bust you very fast! So make sure you enabled “Never Get Busted”!

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