Painkiller: Resurrection: Trainer (+40) Powermad {0.44}

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December 30, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Painkiller: Resurrection: Trainer (+40) Powermad {0.44}

And finally, the same trainer was released for the Resurrection as for the other parts..
Powermad: Resurrection is a cheatscript for Painkiller: Resurrection, a great sequel to Painkiller (from People Can Fly) made by Homegrown.

Painkiller: Resurrection: Trainer (+40) Powermad {0.44} Free Download

It reactivates some cheats that have been disabled in the retail version of the games and adds cool new features that make live easier and / or more fun. After installing Powermad: Resurrection, you can trigger all kind of things just bypressing some keys or entering a command in the console. This software is based on the code of kalme. A feature overview can be found below.

Hot key cheats

* Right shift + M = Minimize enemies
* Right shift + X = Grab souls
* Right shift + C = Freeze enemies
* Right shift + V = Explode enemies
* Right shift + B = Halt enemies
* Right shift + F = Noclip mode
* Right shift + G = Toggle on / off hud
* Numblock 0 = Toggle on / off complete radar
* Numblock 1 = Toggle on / off powerup radar
* Numblock 2 = Toggle on / off objects radar
* Numblock 3 = Toggle on / off secrets radar
* Numblock 4 = Toggle on / off enemies radar
* Numblock 7 = Toggle on / off confuse enemies
* Numblock 8 = Toggle on / off demon mode
* Numblock 9 = Toggle on / off haste mode
* Numblock + = Speed ​​up world
* Numblock – = Slow down world

Console Cheats

* pkammo: gives full ammo
* pkweapons: gives all weapons
* pkhealth: regenerates armor, health = 100 if trauma), all gold, 250 health, 200 armor, number of demon morphs = 5, player got never hurt and used no weapons
* pmmegahealth: gives strong armor and 250 health
* pmexplodeenemies: explodes all enemies, including bosses
* pmminimizeenemies: miniaturizes all enemies
* pmfreezeenemies: freezes all enemies
* pmradar: toggles 3dradar (complete on / off)
* pmradarpowerups: toggles powerups-radar ((mega) health, armor, ammo, weapons, holy items) on / off
* pmradarobjects: toggles objects-radar on / off
* pmradardetailedobjects: toggles detailed object description on / off
* pmradarsecrets: toggles secrets-radar on / off
* pmradarenemies: toggles enemies-radar on / off
* pmradarverbose: toggles 3d radar messages on / off
* pmradaremphasizedistance: toggles emphasizing of distance on / off
* pmhud: toggles visibility of hud
* pmslowdown: slows down world speed
* pmspeedup: speeds up world speed
* pmhalt: halts all enemies
* pmconfuseenemies: enemies attack each other
* pmhealth [amount]: sets the players health to [amount]
* pmarmor [amount]: sets the players armor to [amount]
* pmhelp: shows help screen with short summary of all commands
* pmxyz: shows current player coordinates
* pmshowxyz: permanently updates player coordinates (toggle)
* pmnoclip: enable fly mode (toggle)
* pmpickupfx: toggles screen flash when picking up things on / off
* pmbump: unsticks stuck player
* pmshowclock: shows current gametime (toggle)
* pmresetclock: sets current gametime to zero
* pmsoulsstayforever: souls never vanish (toggle)
* pmgrabsouls: grab all currently available souls
* pmautograbsouls: grab all newly spawned souls automatically (toggle)
* pmexplodeobjects: explodes all objects in the whole level
* pmloadlevel [levelname]: load a custom level
a list of levels:
o C9L01_Cathedral
o C9L02_Forbidden_Valley
o C9L03_Gloomy_Mountains
o C9L04_Haunted_City
o C9L05_HighSeas
o C9L06_Hangar
* pmverbose: output of Powermad messages (toggle)
* pmfreedom: removes all invisible walls from a level (see trailer below)
* pmopenalldoors: opens all closed doors in a level
* pmdifficulty: switch difficulties whenever you want
* do [filename]: executes a lua file located in Data / dofiles
* powermad: demon mode, pkweapons, pkgold, pkmegahealth, pkcards

Other features:

* startup videos are disabled
* classic background of menu

Thanks to:

* kalme & fleabay
* primevil / PK ++ Team
* Eggtooth
* Everyone who used this program

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