Payday 2: PiratePerfection Reborn Trainer v2.0

Home » Video Game Trainers » Payday 2: PiratePerfection Reborn Trainer v2.0
December 30, 2021
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Payday 2: PiratePerfection Reborn Trainer v2.0

All editions

  • Switched to SuperBLT v3.1.2 (R026)
  • Updated MOD.txt
  • Updated Read Me! .Txt
  • Change the name of the mod folder “pp”> “[MOD] Pirate Perfection Reborn Trainer! * EDITION * Edition”
  • Create a BLT logo for each trainer.
  • Added a text file that contains the location of all Payday 2 saved game files (useful to delete / back them up)
  • Structure The folder structure has been changed, the files listed below are now stored in a different location, so the main folder is clean and tidy for regular users.
  • __ __require.lua, auto_config.lua, auto_ingame.lua, auto_init.lua, init.lua, localizator.lua, main_init.lua, pre_init.lua are now stored in the folder “… / Trainer / setup”.
  • Announcement.Check, First Launch.Check & Safe.Check are now stored in the folder “… / Trainer / configs / check”.
  • Error.log, Full Crash.log.txt and latest Crash.log.txt are now stored in the “… / Logfiles” folder.

    Removed some files.

    config.lua, keyconfig.lua, blank.lua.
    Default keys revert to F1 – F12 instead of Numpad. (good for laptop users)
    Scripts from the folder “… / Trainer / keybinded” are linked through “… / Trainer / keyconfig.lua”
    New scripts from the folder “… / Trainer / keybinds” can be linked through the BLT game menu thanks to “… / MOD.txt”
    Rearranged menus and entries.
    Width Increased menu width to support longer Spoof names.
    Each Trainer release now has a different color for all menus.
    Developer Edition = Green, Patron Edition = Purple, V.I.P. Edition = Yellow, Pro Edition = Red and Free Edition = Blue
    Updated F1 help menu and separate pages.
    It now has separate pages for key bindings. Why am I being flagged as a scammer? And loans.

    Updated menu “Languages”.
    Updated English.txt & German.txt to version 2.0.0.
    Updated first run text
    Updated ad text
    Updated version of the text
    Updated texts from
    moving_text.txt, hiphop.txt, version.txt & announcements.txt
    Added Spoofing Name Menu (WIP)
    Additional functions can now be saved in configs.
    Combined all forum quick fixes.
    Noclip, Teleport, Aimbot, Piggyback ride, Driver, Helicopter, No Out Spread, Safe Simulator for armor skins.
    Several bug fixes.
    Weapon menu, camera off, AI lobotomization, grenade_weapon, explosive_bullets.
    Added Terminator HUD to menu mod. (it looks like it doesn’t work the way it used to in PPT V16, so its work continues)
    Added option to enable BLT console. (prevents game minimization when PPR scans files (languages, configs and plugins))
    Added several options to Hide PPR from BLT list.
    Hide PPR only, hide all mods, set lobby intact.
    Added additional unlock options.
    Armor Skins, Oldstone Weapons, Arbiter Grenade Launcher, Crew Skills.
    Added Free Crime Spree Options.
    Added Free Gage Perks.
    Tip Added loading screen prompt.
    Added Inventory Script Extension.
    Added free black market script.
    Added a script for instant map rollback.
    Added Skip Intro & Straight to the main menu of the script.
    Game The game may freeze on slow computers due to the menu loading not fast enough.
    Added names.txt file for Spoof Name Menu (WIP).
    Added PiratePerfection RSS feed.
    Added Trigger Recorder debug function that writes triggers to “Logfiles / Trigger List.txt” file when enabled.
    Deb Debug Hud now also shows the level ID.
    Added a script to launch a specific unit, it can be found in “Trainer / experimental / dev”, copy and paste the code into “user_script.lua” and paste the unit name, then run the script in the game.
    Added a script to activate Whitehouse Secret * Overlever *
    Added a script to open the puzzle door in the White House * Overlever Gate *
    Removed duplicate No spoken script delays.
    Updated the list of units for the Spawn menu.

Payday 2: PiratePerfection Reborn Trainer v2.0 Free Download

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