Payday 2: Ultimate Trainer [3.0]

Home » Video Game Trainers » Payday 2: Ultimate Trainer [3.0]
December 30, 2021
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Payday 2: Ultimate Trainer [3.0]

Installation: unzip the contents to the game folder (…. \ PAYDAY2 \)

F1 = Opening developer site in overlay – PIERREDJAYS
F2 = Soundtrack Menu (Select the music that the game will play) – PIERREDJAYS & POCO

Payday 2: Ultimate Trainer [3.0] Free Download

F3 = Mission Manipulation Menu (scare civilians / bind them, disable AI, etc.) – PIERREDJAYS & SIRGOODSMOKE
F4 = Instant Interaction (on / off) – PIERREDJAYS
F5 = Infinite equipment (mines, first aid kits, cartridges, turrets, ECM) – PIERREDJAYS
F6 = OVERKILLmod (something like the Strongman skill – overkill, only more powerful) – PIERREDJAYS
F7 = Kill all players (on the author’s website it is written like this, but in fact they just crash (it works even if you are not a host. Verified personally, but it happens out of sync, so it’s better to press 2-3 times) – OLD PP
F8 = Time Dilation – SIMPLITY
F9 = Camera flight mode (the camera flies ignoring any obstacles, in addition, using it you can teleport to it) Controls: flight – W / A / S / D, switching between functions of the left column – C, switching between functions of the right column – F, select function – enter (after selection) – Modified by PIERREDJAYS & function for get work by SIMPLITY
F10 = Convert all aggressor mobs on the map to allies – INFORMATIXA
F11 = Install drills on everything that is possible / start hacking all available computers (drills firing, it is best to use Lobotimization first – disable AI) – TRANSCEND
F12 = Lobotimization (Disabling artificial intelligence, all bots, including criminals, will be idle, they will not raise an alarm (since the cameras are monitored by the same AI, cameras will not react to you either) — ??

0 = Activate buttons 1-9 – PIERREDJAYS
1 = Ammo Bag – PIERREDJAYS
2 = First Aid Kit – PIERREDJAYS
5 = Turret – SIMPLITY
6 = Smoke Grenade – SIMPLITY
7 = Blind Grenade – SIMPLITY
8 = Simulated Explosion – SLYNDERDALE
9 = Spavner (Spawns objects that no one else can see except you. You can even build a castle out of cars, but the game may crash and players will not see anything at all. I do not recommend using it.) – PIERREDJAYS

1 (HOST) = Grenade Case – PIERREDJAYS
2 (HOST) = Corpse Bag Case – PIERREDJAYS
3 (HOST) = Courier’s Spawn Packages (DLC) – BALDWIN
4 (HOST) = Spawn small loot pickup (any small drop up to 10k) – PIERREDJAYS
6 (HOST) = The author specified “Spawn party”, but it will spawn the effect of the explosion of the bag of shells from the Armored Transport DLC – PIERREDJAYS & SIMPLITY
7 (HOST) = Clones the Unit you are targeting – PP
8 (HOST) = Mod helicopter (I do not recommend using it, I only flew it, I still did not understand how and what it does) – OLD PP
9 (HOST) = Special Loot Spawner – SIRGOODSMOKE

X = Teleport – TRANSCEND
ALT = Replenish Health and Ammo – PIERREDJAYS

NUMPAD / = Kill all NPCs (including civilians) – PIERREDJAYS
NUMPAD * = Delete all bags (for some reason, despite the name delete all bags, it also deletes corpses) – PIERREDJAYS
NUMPAD – = Allow fly-mod (flight) – PIERREDJAYS
NUMPAD + = Spawn menu (spawn units, special units, spawn allies, spawn bags) (after clicking on let’s say spawn special bags, press numbers from 1 to 9 on the numpad, and you will throw out different bags that other players will also see , and can even take) – PIERREDJAYS
NUMPAD 0 = Immortality (God Mode) ON / OFF – PIERREDJAYS

END = Complete Mission (Success) — ??

Mouse wheel = Flight (You must first enable it by pressing F9-)

Additionally: numpad, this is a panel with numbers, on the right side of the keyboard
The author posted this hack for free, but as payment – indicated the entire team by nicknames. To preserve the rights, I did the same.

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