Author: MrAntiFun
Game version: v.1.3.7
Trainer’s Tongue: English
Number of Functions: eight
F1: Activate trainer
F2: Inf.Money (Infinite money)
Realpolitiks: Trainer (+8) [1.3.7] {MrAntiFun} Free Download
F3: No Debt
F4: Inf.Nature Resources
F5: Inf.Action Points
F6: No Unemployment
F7: Super HDI Level
F8: Instant Project
F9: Instant Building Progress
1.At the first start, select a country, wait 1 day of game time, then activate the desired functions.
2.To use the “Quick Projects” function, you need to start the study and only then activate the function itself.
3. To use the “Fast Construction” function, you need to start building, say, tanks and after that activate this function.