Resident Evil 2: Trainer (+14 / Character Swap) [2.2 | STEAM] {‘pSYcHo}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Resident Evil 2: Trainer (+14 / Character Swap) [2.2 | STEAM] {‘pSYcHo}
December 22, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil 2: Trainer (+14 / Character Swap) [2.2 | STEAM] {‘pSYcHo}
Resident Evil 2: Trainer (+14 / Character Swap) [2.2 | STEAM] {‘pSYcHo}
Resident Evil 2: Trainer (+14 / Character Swap) [2.2 | STEAM] {‘pSYcHo}

Game version: 1.0 | Steam – 01/25/2019
Trainer version: 2.2 | 28.01.2019
Made by: `pSYcHo

INSERT – Trainer Activation

NUM 0 – Infinite Health | Immortality

Resident Evil 2: Trainer (+14 / Character Swap) [2.2 | STEAM] {‘pSYcHo} Free Download

NUM 1 – Infinite Ammo | Infinite. Cartridges
NUM 2 – Infinite Items | Infinite. Items
NUM 3 – Infinite Knife | Infinite. Knife
NUM 4 – Maximize Items Count | Maximize the number of items
NUM 5 – No Reload | No recharge
NUM 6 – Ultra Damage | Ultra damage
NUM 7 – Static Crosshair | Static crosshair
NUM 8 – Unlock Inventory Slots | Unlock Inventory Slots
NUM + – Game SpeedUp | Speed ​​up the game speed
NUM –  – Game SlowDown | Reduce game speed
CTRL + NUM 1 – Reset Save Count | Reset count Save.
CTRL + NUM 2 – Reset Play Time | Reset Game Time

END – Disable All | Disable all

Character swap | Changing characters

SHIFT + F1 – Leon scott kennedy
SHIFT + F2 – Claire redfield
SHIFT + F3 – Ada wong
SHIFT + F4 – Sherry birkin
SHIFT + F5 – Annette birkin
SHIFT + F6 – Marvin branagh
SHIFT + F7 – Robert Kendo
SHIFT + F8 – Ben bertolucci
SHIFT + F9 – Brian irons
SHIFT + F10 – Hunk
SHIFT + F11 – Tofu

 one: Load the game with the original character from your savepoint 
 2: Click on Shift + PageUP, to freeze the value 
 3: Activate hotkey the character you want 
 four: Load the game again from your savepoint 
 five: Click on Shift + PageUP, to unfreeze the value 

⇢ Disable a previously activated hotkey before activating a new one.

★ Note: May cause animation errors.
 Back up your save files before using these cheats.

P.S.  If you pressed the hotkey, but did not hear the sound that the function is activated – wait 1-2 seconds and you will hear it.

Instructions for use:

  • Start the game first, then trainer.
  • During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.
  • A false alarm of your antiviruses to the trainer is possible, do not forget to turn off AV before playing in order to avoid conflicts with it.
  • The trainer is designed for digital license only!

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