The trainers are in the archive for unpacking you will need WinRAR or WinZIP
Start the GAME first, then the TRAINER (Or vice versa). During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainer.
Put the Trainer, in the exceptions of the Antivirus program, so that the Antivirus did not delete Trainer this is important.
For whom the trainer does not work, make sure that the shortcut to launch the game, which you have in the main catalog of the installed game is called StarpointGemini2 if not, then change it to StarpointGemini2, this is mandatory.
The trainer will not work correctly, or will not work at all, if you reinstalled windows and did not delete the game, then the trainer will not work correctly, or will not work at all, so if you uninstall windows, then uninstall the game, and put it on a new one.
If the trainer does not start, you need to do the Compatibility mode with Windows vista or Windows 7, if you start the game, running as administrator and Windows 7 compatibility, then the trainer must be run with this data.