State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}

Home » Video Game Trainers » State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}

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AuthorEditionVersionLanguageFunctionsDate of creation
MaxTreRetail / SteamVer. [Update 27]Eng2409/20/2014

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State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre} Free Download

HomeActive trainerActivate Trainer
Numeric 1Infinite HealthImmortality
Numeric 2Full Health All FriendsRefill the health of all friends
Numeric 3Infinite Stamina Infinite Endurance
Numeric 4Infinite Ammo 99Endless ammo
Numeric 5Infinite mufflerInfinite Weapon Suppressor
Numeric 6Indestructible WeaponThe weapon will not go off
Numeric 7Indestructible ItemItems do not break
Numeric 8Max AccuracyMaximum precision
Numeric 9No recoilNo recoil
Numeric /No Spread BulletsNo bullet spread
Numeric *Fast lootingRapid killing
Numeric .Fast Building DesignsFast construction of buildings
Numeric +Fun: Fast Speed ​​GameSpeed ​​up the game
Numeric –Fun: Slow Speed ​​GameSlow down the game
F1Infinite ResourseEndless resources
F2Infinite moraleEndless morality
F3Instant Cooldown RadioInstant radio call
F4Freeze Item Slot №1-2Freeze items in slots 1-2 for the player
F5Infinite Item BoxEndless items in storage
F6Set: MorningSet morning
F7Set: MiddaySet the day
F8Set: EveningSet evening
F9Set: MidnightSet midnight


State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}


State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}


== – == – == – == – == – ==  

  •  Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.  
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
  •  Start the trainer first, then the game.  
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
  •  During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.  
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
  •  one – If the trainer does not work, then restart it without turning off the game 
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
  •  2 – The version of the game must match the version of the trainer for it to work properly.
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}
  • P.S. – Perhaps the trainer will support other versions of the game 
  •  3 – If you have other problems with the trainer, then try to run it with administrator rights and with compatibility Windows 7 or Windows XP
State of Decay: Trainer (+24) [] (Update 27) {MaxTre}

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