![Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet: Trainer (+21) [1.1.1 – 1.2.0] {FLiNG}](https://i.playground.ru/p/P-9XaizGZc23uY7zoVZNjA.png)
Author | Edition | Version | Language | Functions | Date of creation |
FLiNG | Steam | Latest | Eng | 21 | 04/28/2018 |
Hotkey | Eng | Rus |
Numpad 1 | Infinite Health | Immortality |
Numpad 2 | Infinite ammo | Infinite. Cartridges |
Numpad 3 | No Reload | No recharge |
Numpad 4 | Super Accuracy | Super Accuracy |
Numpad 5 | Skills / Gadgets No Cooldown | Infinite. Skills / Devices |
Numpad 6 | Infinite Items | Infinite. Items |
Numpad 7 | Super speed | Super Speed |
Numpad 8 | Super jump | Super Jumping |
Numpad 9 | Weapons no overheat | No Overheating Weapon |
Numpad 0 | Super Damage / One Hit Kill | Super Damage / Instant Kill |
Numpad . | Max medal gauge | Max. Medal Counter |
Numpad + | Max Weapon Arts Gauge | Max. Weapon Skill Counter |
Ctrl + Numpad 1 | Infinite Money | Infinite. Money |
Ctrl + Numpad 2 | Infinite Experience | Infinite. Experience |
Ctrl + Numpad 3 | Infinite CP | Infinite. CP |
Ctrl + Numpad 4 | Infinite Skill Points | Infinite. Skill points |
Ctrl + Numpad 5 | Max Weapon Proficiency | Max. Weapon Mastery |
Ctrl + Numpad 6 | Max Skills / Gadget Proficiency | Max. Skill / Device Mastery |
Ctrl + Numpad 7 | No Weapon Upgrade Requirements | No Requirements To Upgrade Weapons |
Ctrl + Numpad 8 | Max Friendship / Affinity | Max. Friendship / Intimacy |
Alt + 1/2/3/4 / | 2/4/8 / 16x Experience | 2/4/8 / 16x Experience Multiplier |
Home | Disable All | Cancel All |
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet: Trainer (+21) [1.1.1 – 1.2.0] {FLiNG} Free Download
Instructions for use:
- Copy all files from the archive to the root of the installed game.
- Start the trainer first, then the game.
- During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainers.
This game uses EasyAntiCheat protection, to run this game without EAC enabled, follow these instructions:
- Launch Steam Offline.
- Copy “SAOFB_Launcher.exe” and “LanguageSettings.ini” to the root folder of the game.
- (Optional) Change the language by editing “LanguageSettings.ini”.
- Start the game.
- A false alarm of your antiviruses to the trainer is possible, do not forget to turn off AV before playing in order to avoid conflicts with it.
- The trainer is intended for digital license only, work on pirated versions is not guaranteed!