Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition: Trainer (+18) [1.42] {What228}

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By Jonny Gamer

Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition: Trainer (+18) [1.42] {What228}

Titan Quest – Anniversary Edition 1.42 “License [GOG]”

Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition: Trainer (+18) [1.42] {What228}

We start the game after which only the trainer. Activation on INSERT

The choice of multiplying the speed of attack / cast / run.

Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition: Trainer (+18) [1.42] {What228} Free Download

The maximum number available is “25”
The choice of multiplying the gained experience / regeneration of health and mana.

The maximum number available is “500”
Add points to improve characteristics \ skills \ experience \ level.

God ‘mode

You will not die even if the damage of the mob is higher than your current health.

Infinite mana

Infinite control of mobs and their lifespan.

Infinite effect of altars.

No skill recharge.


One Hit Kill.


You need to get out of the textures when using the teleporter. The character does not die, but only appears at the fountain he has installed! Press CTRL + NUM * to activate

Teleport to the mouse cursor.

Hover the mouse cursor where you want to move and press CTRL + SHIFT for quick teleportation or CTRL + ALT for teleportation when you start moving (i.e. you just need to click on any one just for the character to start moving).

Gain or Reset ALL Skills.

After choosing, you should re-enter the world!

Change the difficulty of the game

You can place it before the start of the game as a character. You should also return the difficulty to the state it was before the start of the game..
Those. if you started the game at normal and put a legend, then return to normal before leaving!

No requirements.
Removes the inability to wear things that require a level or characteristics higher than your current.

Game teleport.

Calls up the game teleport window. Now you can teleport from any point in the game. Press DELETE to call
The best things from chests.
Chance to drop blue and other things. It does not mean that only blue gear will be dropped from each chest, but VERY often.

Change camera.

Selecting camera distance \ tilt and angle.

P.S. Most likely I will no longer play this game because I’m already fed up. 

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