Xenonauts: Trainer (+3) [v.19 STABLE HOTFIX 02/09/2013] {Dragonis2009}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Xenonauts: Trainer (+3) [v.19 STABLE HOTFIX 02/09/2013] {Dragonis2009}
November 15, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Xenonauts: Trainer (+3) [v.19 STABLE HOTFIX 02/09/2013] {Dragonis2009}

This trainer has the following features:
1) Ctrl + NUMPAD1 – enable / disable endless movement of units in ground combat (ATTENTION – applies only to infantry and only to movement, i.e.

Xenonauts: Trainer (+3) [v.19 STABLE HOTFIX 02/09/2013] {Dragonis2009} Free Download

when taking things from a backpack, the number of movement units will decrease)
This function also works for a computer, I recommend disabling it before the end of a turn, otherwise the computer will receive an infinite number of moves..

2) Ctrl + NUMPAD2 – enable / disable adding 1000 mechanics to the project.
Being in the workshop window and activating this function, when the number of mechanics to work on the project increases, their number will increase by 1000. In order for the function to work, you must have at least 1 workshop on this base with at least 1 unoccupied place and at least one free mechanic (for each individual project).

3) Ctrl + NUMPAD3 – enable / disable adding 1000 materials to the repository.
Being in the storage window and activating this function when sending to the sale or to another base of a specific material (you must confirm the shipment) on this base, the quantity of material will increase by 1000. In order for the function to work, there must be a storage on the base and the quantity of material must be greater zero, otherwise the send confirmation button will not work.

In the trainer, you can view the manual when you click on the “About” button, only it will be in English.

The trainer was created using the “Cheat Engine” program by me personally.

Xenonauts: Trainer (+3) [v.19 STABLE HOTFIX 02/09/2013] {Dragonis2009}

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