Metal Gear Solid 2: Tips And Tactics

Home » Game Tips and Tricks » Metal Gear Solid 2: Tips And Tactics
September 29, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Metal Gear Solid 2: Tips And Tactics
In many versions of games (in particular, I have this) there is one glitch: the game does not save on the Russian version. Glitch lets in the English version. But you can do otherwise:
Install the Russian version of the game, then go to the folder (I do not remember exactly what, but there are 2 there, so they do not miss) and make copies of the files: Demo And Codec.
After that, make English (not necessarily to do to the end, it is desirable before where it begins to bless Codec) Then replace the currently existing files on the ones that you copied.
And you have all the cartoons and the whole of their market for radio will be in Russian and the game will continue.
Another advice for the owners of XP, if the game hangs, then enter the properties of the game label and in the Compatibility section of the 98 \ ME. And no glitch.

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