Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup: Tips And Tactics

Home » Game Tips and Tricks » Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup: Tips And Tactics
October 3, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup: Tips And Tactics
Tip 1. If you are close to the goal of the enemy, but the Bloger launched in you (you need to run away), then score a goal (right mouse button). Because of the Bladger, goalkeepers leave the gate and they are free while the action of the Bladger continues.
Tip 2. Try to pass the ball not with paces, and combo. So dynamic and more useful. First, the Snitch scale is increasing faster than from the passes. Secondly, the combo increases the chance to get a bonus-special course (and a special team move).
Tip 3. If you want to play a demonstration, choose the level of comet 260 and the command to enroll or Slytherin (Presbyse). Comet because at this level the bonus is more often given – the special course of the team. And these teams because they have the most heads in the bonus-special team.

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