How to Become Better at Video Games: 4 Simple Tips

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August 11, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It is no secret that most video game players are casual. They pursue the hobby as a means to relax, and there is nothing wrong with that. If anything, the current gaming trends indicate how more and more developers are catering to casual players.

How to Become Better at Video Games: 4 Simple Tips

Having said that, it is also worth noting the existence of esports. Competitive video games are becoming the go-to entertainment choice, particularly for younger demographics and people who grew up playing video games.

Of course, it is hard to imagine esports replacing traditional media and entertainment, at least not for a while.

Let’s say somebody wanted to pursue a career in esports and become a good player. Would such an idea be too hard to pursue? Not necessarily.

A lot comes down to an aspiring player’s determination. At the same time, there are certain things one must do to become better, particularly when it comes to playing video games professionally.

Schedule and Regular Training

Let’s start with a schedule and regular training. It should not come as a surprise that professional gamers spend most of their free time practicing. Or, at the very least, playing public games and still keeping their skills sharp.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that there are different methods of practicing. Besides playing the game, you also want to study replays of yourself and your opponents. There are certain things that are easy to miss when you are playing, but you can spot a lot in a replay, which is a great way to improve.

In addition to training, your schedule should consist of one that is similar to what someone working has. Treating video games as a job does not sound too fun, but it is the right approach if you want to become a pro.

Make sure that you get enough sleep as well. It is easy to lose yourself and spend too much time playing video games, but training should not be a justification for cutting hours from your sleep.

Distractions and Health Concerns

Speaking of sleep, not getting enough of it will lead to serious health issues. And since you are playing video games professionally (or at least plan to), the odds are that your lifestyle will not be healthy in the first place.

For one, it is common for gamers to go for fast food because they do not have time or patience to cook a proper meal. 

We already discussed the sleep aspect, but it is worth emphasizing it again. Be sure not to mess up your sleeping schedule.

Next, take some time off from video games now and then. Ideally, work out and stay in shape. Also, once you notice the sense of burning out from playing too much, take a few days off and do something else for a change of pace.

Optimized Equipment

You are unlikely to succeed as a professional gamer without the necessary equipment. Sure, a lot comes down to what game you are playing.

If we, for example, compare two of the most popular MOBA games—DOTA 2 and League of Legends—the latter has fewer system requirements, meaning that you do not need to have a very powerful computer to run the game. But then again, it feels nicer to play games on a high-end system, even if the video game itself is not that demanding.

Besides the computer, you will want a proper gaming chair that supports your back. Sitting and looking at a screen for hours every day is the opposite of what you want for your health, so the least you can do is make the most out of a bad situation.

Next, make sure that you have a good internet connection. Online games require low ping. High latency and other connection issues put you at a disadvantage.

Finally, get yourself a gaming keyboard and a mouse. Do not be afraid to spend a bit more than usual because you will rely on those two accessories the most.

One other thing to note is that you want to maintain the setup in check. For example, you want to make sure that there is enough free space on the computer’s drive. And according to MacPaw, a cleanup utility tool is one of the best ways to deal with storage issues on your computer.

Also, do not neglect to clean the dust inside the computer because it will snowball and cause significant problems, such as overheating.

Competitive Environment

The last thing to note is about finding yourself in a competitive environment. There is only so much you can learn in public matches. 

You want to experience your first tournaments as soon as you can, even if they are amateur tournaments. The mood and environment are different from public games.

LAN tournaments should also be on the agenda, though that might have to wait because inexperienced players are unlikely to receive an invite to participate in a LAN.

Lastly, you can treat tournaments not just as a platform to improve as a player but also as a way to network. Make the most out of the chances you get from meeting other players.

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