How to Enable Cross-Platform in Fortnite?

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February 2, 2022
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It’s hard to think of a game with a more non-obvious concept than Fortnite. This gameplay offers its fans a lot of different plots, adventures, and opportunities. Land on an island full of adventures and compete with other players for the title of the best player. Have fun with your friends, get into action, watch movies, and travel together. Create your unique world with your rules. There is one catch as not everyone knows how to enable cross-platform Fortnite Xbox and PS4 to fully enjoy the game with their friends. Read our guide to find out how!

Briefly about the Game

Fortnite is an online multimode game with many interesting and unique features that no other game has. In 2018, rapper Drake and streamer Ninja played a couple of matches. That caused a frenzy of popularity as the stream was watched by half a million Twitch users.

How to Enable Cross-Platform in Fortnite?

Who Plays Fortnite?

This game is one of the most popular today. It has conquered all regions and continents worldwide. It boasts a large community of players from different countries, of various ages and interests. The Fortnite community has always been diverse. Play on any platform possible!

All modes (Royale Battle and Creative Mode) are currently available for installing on PC, the latest Xbox, and PlayStation. Also, you can download the Epic Games app for iOS and Android. Because of its great popularity, the game can be installed on almost all existing platforms.

Enabling and Disabling the Cross-platform Mode

Fortnite is played by millions of people from different countries. You’ll always find someone to become friends with or someone to fight against. It fully supports cross-platform play, but an Epic account is required. Before activating this mode, go to and create one. This should be done to pair your Fortnite account with the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live account. The whole process is super easy and intuitive, you will not get lost there.

So, to join the gameplay with the cross-platform mode, you should register and log in to your Epic Games account and then do further steps.

How to enable cross-platform Fortnite Xbox? Follow the next steps to start your journey and find new friends:

  1. Press the Settings button on the main page.
  2. Look for the Account tab, click on it, and enter your credentials.
  3. Then, choose Privacy and Network Security and go to Xbox Live Privacy.
  4. Click on Communication and multiplayer mode.
  5. In the second column, you will see the text that asks about access to play with other players. Accept the terms to activate the cross-platform mode or refuse to disable it.

How to enable cross-platform Fortnite PS4? It will take several minutes, and you will be able to enjoy the game with your pals.

  1. Go to the main menu and press the big button to start.
  2. At the bottom, you will find the gear icon, which stands for Settings. Click it.
  3. Then, you will see the Account and Privacy tab. In there, search for the Gameplay Privacy button.
  4. Finally, you will see Allow Cross-platform Play. Tick No to disable the mode or Yes to enable it.

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