5 Reasons Video Games Should Be More Widely Used In School

Home » Education » 5 Reasons Video Games Should Be More Widely Used In School
July 1, 2022
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Video games are among the most popular media today. The application of games that are played in classrooms is not a new phenomenon. A lot of students who attended school from the 1970s until the 1990s will be familiar with the famous online game The Oregon Trail, which first appeared in a classroom back in 1971.

Although videos that are educational have been utilized in classrooms for more than 50 years – and despite evidence that studies show the effectiveness of educational games, they’re not as widespread in the classrooms of today.

5 Reasons Video Games Should Be More Widely Used In School

Here are five reasons why studycrumb.com believes that video games should be utilized in every classroom.

1. Video games can assist students in remaining in STEM

In 2020, the president’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology discovered that the country requires the STEM-based workers of tomorrow. One of the major reasons why students leave or drop out of engineering, science, technology, and math courses is the difficulties of introductory courses like calculus.

2. They offer experiential learning

Teaching students 21st-century skills, such as creativity and problem-solving, is essential for the workforce of the future. Games, where students tackle math problems in a fictitious environment, can help children develop skills like critical thinking.

3. Learn from mistakes

Games are a good way for students to fail in a safe manner, learn from their mistakes, and make a second attempt until they are successful.

Certain games, such as Burnout Paradise, make failure fun. The game’s players have the option to smash their cars, and the more dramatic it is, the more are the scores. It allows players to take their lessons from mistakes and rectify the mistakes, and take them back to try over.

4. Students remain engaged by the content

The amount of time that a student is learning in a classroom is 60% of the allotted classroom time. Extension of school hours to allow students more time to learn has been found to be ineffective. An effective way to make the most of time spent learning is to spend time engaged on a task at hand. If students are engaged and are interested in a subject and are interested in it, the students are active and curious. This can lead to a more enjoyable learning experience.

5. Games help make complicated knowledge enjoyable

Educational theories suggest that students are not given knowledge. They build knowledge from their own thoughts. Students build on previous concepts to create higher-level, more complex knowledge, making them their own.

Certain games were not designed to be educational games. However, their design concepts could easily be applied to create games for classrooms to enhance the learning experience of students.

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