Valheim cheats: how to activate the command console
To activate the command console in Valheim, you just have to press F5 on your keyboard to open the console. Then type “imacheater” (without the quotes) and press Enter. If it worked, you will see a message that says “Cheats: True”.
Yes, confess your cheating ways and let Valheim play with you a little – and now you can do whatever you want.

Valheim Command Console: Utility and Admin
Not every command in Valheim is a cheat, strictly speaking. Many of them just provide easier access to game functions that can be very important in certain circumstances. As such, they can be used in multiplayer or single-player mode as long as you are the admin.
You can enter the following console commands to help run the game:
- help: Shows all available server commands.
- info: Shows the current system information.
- ping: Pings the server and shows the delay (in milliseconds).
- save: Saves the game. (Normally, the game only autosaves on logout.)
- loadbias [1-5]: Defines the draw distance. Write “0” or leave it blank to show the current draw distance.
The following console commands are available to the host in multiplayer:
- ban [name/IP/userID]: Bans the user with that name from the server.
- kick [name/IP/userID]: Kicks the user with that name from the server.
- unban [name/IP/userID]: Unban the user with that server name.
- banned: Shows a complete list of users banned from the server.

Valheim Command Console: Creative Mode
Valheim currently doesn’t have an official creative mode, but you can use console commands to access debug mode. This essentially works the same way, giving you the freedom to build without being tied to a workbench or worrying about the amount of resources.
Type debugmode in the console to activate this mode and you can do the following:
- Press “B” to activate free construction (removes the requirement for benches and resources).
- Press “Z” to activate the flight. Press the spacebar to fly up, Ctrl to fly down.
- Press “K” to kill all enemies nearby.

Valheim Command Console: Cheat List
Now we come to the good part. Enter these cheats into the controller console to gain in-depth control over your game. (Remember: use cheats at your own risk!)
Character cheats
- god: Activates god mode. You are invulnerable and can kill enemies with just one hit.
- ghost: Activates ghost mode. Enemies ignore you.
- raiseskill [skill name] [value]: Increases the chosen skill according to the amount entered.
- resetskill [skill name]: Resets the entered skill to zero.
- heal: Heals your character and restores all health.
- puke: Resets hunger and restores standard health and stamina.
- model [0/1]: Swaps the character model between male and female body types.
- beard: Remove your character’s beard. (This appears to be permanent. Use with caution!)
- hair: Removes your character’s hair. (Same as above!)
- resetcharacter: Reset all your character data.
Gameplay cheats
- killall: Kills all enemies nearby.
- tame: All creatures in the vicinity become “tame”.
- dpsdebug: Enables the damage-per-second display.
- location: Sets spawn locations.
- pos: Shows the player’s coordinates.
- goto [X], [Y], [Z]: Teleports the player to the entered coordinates. The value of “Y” is optional.
- event [name]: Starts an event with this name.
- randomevent: Starts a random event.
- stopevent: Stops the current event.
- tod [0-1]: Sets the time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight, 0.5 is noon, etc. Enter “-1” to revert to default values.
- skiptime [seconds]: Skips time ahead according to the amount entered.
- sleep: Skips time ahead by one day.
- players [1-10]: Adjust the difficulty level as if you were in multiplayer mode with a certain number of co-op partners. Enter ‘0’ to reset.
World Cheats
- exploremap: Reveals the entire map.
- resetmap: Hides the entire map.
- removedrops: Removes all dropped items in an area.
- env [environment name]: Defines the debug environment.
- resetenv: Resets the debug environment.
- wind [angle] [intensity]: Adjusts the direction and intensity of the wind.
- resetwind: Resets the wind angle and intensity.
- freefly: Activates the freefly camera.
- ffsmooth [0/1]: Sets/resets the smoothness of free camera movement.
- listkeys: Lists all global keys.
- setkey [name]: Sets new global key.
- resetkeys [name]: Resets the key with that name.
Valheim command console: list of items that can spawn
Finally, you can use Valheim’s command console to spawn virtually any item in the game.
Write spawn [Item Name] [Quantity] [Level]. The item name and value explain themselves. The level is only applicable in certain circumstances, for example when spawning an enemy or creature.
Below, check out a complete list of items that you can generate in Valheim:
Crafting items:
- Amber
- AmberPearl
- AncientSeed
- Barley
- BarleyFlour
- BarleyWine
- BarleyWineBase
- BeechSeeds
- BlackMetal
- BlackMetalScrap
- Bloodbag
- BoneFragments
- Bronze
- BronzeNails
- BoneFragments
- CarrotSeeds
- Chitin
- Coal
- Coins
- Copper
- CopperOre
- CryptoKey
- Crystal
- Dandelion
- DeerHide
- DragonEgg
- DragonTear
- ElderBark
- Entrails
- Feathers
- FineWood
- FirCone
- FishingBait
- FishRaw
- FishWraps
- Flametal
- FlametalOre
- flax
- Flint
- FreezeGland
- GreydwarfEye
- Guck
- HardAntler
- Iron
- IronNails
- IronOre
- IronScrap
- LeatherScraps
- LinenThread
- LoxMeat
- LoxPelt
- LoxPie
- Needle
- Obsidian
- Ooze
- PineCone
- QueenBee
- Ruby
- SerpentScale
- SharpeningStone
- Silver
- SilverNecklace
- SilverOre
- stone
- SurtlingCore
- Thistle
- Tin
- TinOre
- TrollHide
- TurnipSeeds
- WitheredBone
- WolfFang
- WolfPelt
- Wood
- YmirRemains
- NeckTail
- RawMeat
- Resin
- RoundLog
- SerpentMeat
- YagluthDrop
Armor Parts
- ArmorBronzeChest
- ArmorBronzeLegs
- ArmorIronChest
- ArmorIronLegs
- ArmorLeatherChest
- ArmorLeatherLegs
- ArmorPaddedCuirass
- ArmorPaddedGreaves
- ArmorRagsChest
- ArmorRagsLegs
- ArmorTrollLeatherChest
- ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
- ArmorWolfChest
- ArmorWolfLegs
- CapeDeerHide
- CapeLinen
- CapeLox
- CapeOdin
- CapeTest
- CapeTrollHide
- CapeWolf
- HelmetBronze
- HelmetDrake
- HelmetDverger
- HelmetIron
- HelmetLeather
- HelmetOdin
- HelmetPadded
- HelmetTrollLeather
- HelmetYule
- AxeBronze
- AxeFlint
- AxeIron
- AxeStone
- AxeBlackMetal
- PickaxeAntler
- PickaxeBronze
- PickaxeIron
- PickaxeStone
- Cultivator
- FishingRod
- Hammer
- Hoe
- Bread
- BloodPudding
- Blueberries
- Carrot
- CarrotSoup
- cloudberry
- CookedLoxMeat
- CookedMeat
- FishCooked
- Honey
- Mushroom
- MushroomBlue
- MushroomYellow
- NeckTailGrilled
- Raspberry
- QueensJam
- Sausages
- SerpentMeatCooked
- SerpentStew
- Turnip
- TurnipStew
- MeadBaseFrostResist
- MeadBaseHealthMedium
- MeadBaseHealthMinor
- MeadBasePoisonResist
- MeadBaseStaminaMedium
- MeadBaseStaminaMinor
- MeadBaseTasty
- MeadFrostResist
- MeadHealthMedium
- MeadHealthMinor
- MeadPoisonResist
- MeadStaminaMedium
- MeadStaminaMinor
- MeadTasty
- AtgeirBlackmetal
- AtgeirBronze
- AtgeirIron
- Battleaxe
- Bow
- BowDraugrFang
- BowFineWood
- BowHuntsman
- KnifeBlackMetal
- KnifeChitin
- KnifeCopper
- KnifeFlint
- MaceBronze
- MaceIron
- MaceNeedle
- MaceSilver
- ShieldBanded
- ShieldBlackmetal
- ShieldBlackmetalTower
- ShieldBronzeBuckler
- ShieldIronSquare
- ShieldIronTower
- ShieldKnight
- ShieldSerpentscale
- ShieldSilver
- ShieldWood
- ShieldWoodTower
- SledgeIron
- SledgeStagbreaker
- SpearBronze
- SpearChitin
- SpearElderbark
- SpearFlint
- SpearWolfFang
- SwordBlackmetal
- SwordBronze
- SwordCheat
- SwordIron
- SwordIronFire
- SwordSilver
- Tankard
- TankardOdin
- club
- Torch
- ArrowBronze
- ArrowFire
- ArrowFlint
- ArrowFrost
- ArrowIron
- ArrowNeedle
- ArrowObsidian
- ArrowPoison
- ArrowSilver
- ArrowWood
- Card
- raft
- Karve
- VikingShip
- Trailership
- TrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraithTrophyBlob
- TrophyBoar
- TrophyBonemass
- TrophyDeathsquito
- TrophyDeer
- TrophyDragonQueen
- TrophyDraugr
- TrophyDraugrElite
- TrophyDraugrFem
- TrophyEikthyr
- TrophyFenring
- TrophyForestTroll
- TrophyFrostTroll
- TrophyGoblin
- TrophyGoblinBrute
- TrophyGoblinKing
- TrophyGoblinShaman
- TrophyGreydwarf
- TrophyGreydwarfBrute
- TrophyGreydwarfShaman
- TrophyHatchling
- TrophyLeech
- TrophyLox
- TrophyNeck
- TrophySerpent
- TrophySGolem
- TrophySkeleton
- TrophySkeletonPoison
- TrophySurtling
- TrophyTheElder
- TrophyWolf
- TrophyWraith
Special Items:
- BeltStrength
- Wishbone
- HelmetDverger
Other miscellaneous items:
- GlowingMushroom
- ancientbarkspear_projectile
- aoe_nova
- barrell
- bed
- bee_aoe
- beech_log
- beech_log_half
- Beech_Sapling
- Beech_small1
- Beech_small2
- Beech_Stub
- Beech1
- Beehive
- Birch_log
- Birch_log_half
- Birch1
- Birch1_aut
- Birch2
- Birch2_aut
- BirchStub
- blastfurnace
- blob_aoe
- BlueberryBush
- boar_ragdoll
- BombOoze
- bonemass_aoe
- bonemass_throw_projectile
- bonfire
- BossStone_Bonemass
- BossStone_DragonQueen
- BossStone_Eikthyr
- BossStone_TheElder
- BossStone_Yagluth
- bow_projectile
- bow_projectile_fire
- bow_projectile_frost
- bow_projectile_needle
- bow_projectile_poison
- bronzespear_projectile
- bucket
- Bush01
- Bush01_heath
- Bush02_en
- CargoCrate
- CastleKit_braided_box01
- CastleKit_groundtorch
- CastleKit_groundtorch_green
- CastleKit_groundtorch_unlit
- CastleKit_pot03
- Chain
- charcoal_kiln
- chest
- CloudberryBush
- cultivate
- dead_deer
- Deathsquito_sting
- deer_ragdoll
- DeerGodExplosion
- DG_Cave
- DG_ForestCrypt
- DG_GoblinCamp
- DG_MeadowsFarm
- DG_MeadowsVillage
- DG_SunkenCrypt
- digg
- digg_v2
- dragon_ice_projectile
- draugr_arrow
- draugr_bow_projectile
- Draugr_elite_ragdoll
- Draugr_ranged_ragdoll
- Draugr_ragdoll
- draugr_axe
- draugr_bow
- draugr_sword
- eikthyr_ragdoll
- dragoneggcup
- dungeon_forestcrypt_door
- dungeon_sunkencrypt_irongate
- eventzone_bonemass
- eventzone_eikthyr
- eventzone_gdking
- eventzone_goblinking
- eventzone_moder
- EvilHeart_Forest
- EvilHeart_Swamp
- Fenring_ragdoll
- fermenter
- fire_pit
- Fireflies
- FirTree
- FirTree_log
- FirTree_log_half
- FirTree_oldLog
- FirTree_Sapling
- FirTree_small
- FirTree_small_dead
- FirTree_Stub
- Fish1
- Fish2
- Fish3
- Fish4_cave
- FishingRodFloat
- FishingRodFloatProjectile
- Flies
- flintspear_projectile
- ForestTroll_ragdoll
- forge
- forge_ext1
- forge_ext2
- forge_ext3
- forge_ext4
- forge_ext5
- forge_ext6
- gdking_Ragdoll
- gdking_root_projectile
- goblin_banner
- goblin_bed
- Goblin_Dragdoll
- goblin_fence
- goblin_pole
- goblin_pole_small
- goblin_roof_45d
- goblin_roof_45d_corner
- goblin_roof_cap
- goblin_stairs
- goblin_stepladder
- goblin_totempole
- goblin_woodwall_1m
- goblin_woodwall_2m
- goblin_woodwall_2m_ribs
- GoblinArmband
- GoblinBrute_ArmGuard
- GoblinBrute_Attack
- GoblinBrute_Backbones
- GoblinBrute_ExecutionerCap
- GoblinBrute_HipCloth
- GoblinBrute_LegBones
- GoblinBrute_ragdoll
- GoblinBrute_RageAttack
- GoblinBrute_ShoulderGuard
- GoblinBrute_Taunt
- GoblinKing_ragdoll
- goblinking_totemholder
- GoblinShaman_attack_poke
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_antlers
- GoblinShaman_Headdress_feathers
- GoblinShaman_projectile_fireball
- GoblinShaman_protect_aoe
- GoblinShaman_ragdoll
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Bones
- GoblinShaman_Staff_Feathers
- GoblinSpear_projectile
- Greydwarf_elite_ragdoll
- greydwarf_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_Shaman_ragdoll
- Greydwarf_throw_projectile
- greyling_ragdoll
- guard_stone
- guard_stone_test
- GuckSack
- GuckSack_small
- Hatchling
- hatchling_cold_projectile
- Hatchling_ragdoll
- HealthUpgrade_Bonemass
- HealthUpgrade_GDKing
- hearth
- HeathRockPillar
- HeathRockPillar_frac
- highstone
- highstone_frac
- horizontal_web
- HugeRoot1
- ice_rock1
- ice_rock1_frac
- ice1
- IceBlocker
- Imp_fireball_projectile
- iron_grate
- itemstand
- itemsstandh
- Leech_cave
- Leviathan
- LocationProxy
- loot_chest_stone
- loot_chest_wood
- LootSpawner_pineforest
- lox_ragdoll
- lox_stomp_aoe_OLD
- marker01
- marker02
- MineRock_Copper
- MineRock_Iron
- MineRock_Meteorite
- MineRock_Obsidian
- MineRock_Stone
- MineRock_Tin
- MountainGraveStone01
- mud_road
- mudpile
- mudpile_beacon
- mudpile_frac
- mudpile_old
- mudpile2
- mudpile2_frac
- Neck_Ragdoll
- Oak_log
- Oak_log_half
- Oak1
- OakStub
- Odin
- OLD_wood_roof
- OLD_wood_roof_icorner
- OLD_wood_roof_ocorner
- OLD_wood_roof_top
- OLD_wood_wall_roof
- oozebomb_explosion
- oozebomb_projectile
- path
- paved_road
- Pickable_Barley
- Pickable_Barley_Wild
- Pickable_BogIronOre
- Pickable_Branch
- Pickable_Carrot
- Pickable_Dandelion
- Pickable_DolmenTreasure
- Pickable_DragonEgg
- Pickable_Flax
- Pickable_Flax_Wild
- Pickable_Flint
- Pickable_ForestCryptRandom
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains01
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03
- Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04
- Pickable_Item
- Pickable_Meteorite
- Pickable_MountainRemains01_buried
- Pickable_Mushroom
- Pickable_Mushroom_blue
- Pickable_Mushroom_yellow
- Pickable_Obsidian
- Pickable_RandomFood
- Pickable_SeedCarrot
- Pickable_SeedTurnip
- Pickable_Stone
- Pickable_SunkenCryptRandom
- Pickable_SurtlingCoreStand
- Pickable_Thistle
- Pickable_Tin
- Pickable_Turnip
- piece_artisanstation
- piece_banner01
- piece_banner02
- piece_banner03
- piece_banner04
- piece_banner05
- piece_bed02
- piece_beehive
- piece_bench01
- piece_brazierceiling01
- piece_cauldron
- piece_chair
- piece_chair02
- piece_chest
- piece_chest_private
- piece_chest_wood
- piece_cookingstation
- piece_gift1
- piece_gift2
- piece_gift3
- piece_groundtorch
- piece_groundtorch_green
- piece_groundtorch_wood
- piece_jackoturnip
- piece_maypole
- piece_sharpstakes
- piece_spinningwheel
- piece_stonecutter
- piece_table
- piece_throne01
- piece_walltorch
- piece_workbench
- piece_workbench_ext1
- piece_workbench_ext2
- piece_workbench_ext3
- piece_workbench_ext4
- piece_xmastree
- PineTree
- Pinetree_01
- Pinetree_01_Stub
- PineTree_log
- PineTree_log_half
- PineTree_log_halfOLD
- PineTree_logOLD
- PineTree_Sapling
- Player
- Player_ragdoll
- Player_ragdoll_old
- Player_tombstone
- PlayerUnarmed
- portal
- portal_wood
- projectile_beam
- projectile_chitinharpoon
- projectile_meteor
- projectile_wolffang
- raise
- RaspberryBush
- replant
- Rock_3
- Rock_3_frac
- Rock_4
- Rock_4_plains
- Rock_7
- Rock_destructible
- Rock_destructible_test
- rock1_mountain
- rock1_mountain_frac
- rock2_heath
- rock2_heath_frac
- rock2_mountain
- rock2_mountain_frac
- rock3_mountain
- rock3_mountain_frac
- rock3_silver
- rock3_silver_frac
- rock4_coast
- rock4_coast_frac
- rock4_copper
- rock4_copper_frac
- rock4_forest
- rock4_forest_frac
- rock4_heath
- rock4_heath_frac
- RockFinger
- RockFinger_frac
- RockFingerBroken
- RockFingerBroken_frac
- rockformation1
- RockThumb
- RockThumb_frac
- root07
- root08
- root11
- root12
- rug_deer
- rug_fur
- rug_wolf
- sapling_barley
- sapling_carrot
- sapling_flax
- sapling_seedcarrot
- sapling_seedturnip
- sapling_turnip
- shaman_attack_aoe
- shaman_heal_aoe
- ship_construction
- shipwreck_karve_bottomboards
- shipwreck_karve_bow
- shipwreck_karve_chest
- shipwreck_karve_dragonhead
- shipwreck_karve_stern
- shipwreck_karve_sternpost
- shrub_2
- shrub_2_heath
- sign
- sign_notext
- silvervein
- silvervein_frac
- skeleton_bow
- skeleton_mace
- Skeleton_NoArcher
- skeleton_sword
- Skull1
- Skull2
- sledge_aoe
- smelter
- stake_wall
- StaminaUpgrade_Greydwarf
- StaminaUpgrade_Troll
- StaminaUpgrade_Wraith
- StatueCorgi
- StatueDeer
- StatueEvil
- StatueHare
- StatueSeed
- stone_arch
- stone_floor
- stone_floor_2x2
- stone_pile
- stone_pillar
- stone_stair
- stone_wall_1x1
- stone_wall_2x1
- stone_wall_4x2
- stoneblock_fracture
- stonechest
- stonegolem_attack1_spike
- StoneGolem_clubs
- StoneGolem_hat
- Stonegolem_ragdoll
- StoneGolem_spikes
- stubbe
- stubbe_spawner
- sunken_crypt_gate
- SwampTree1
- SwampTree1_log
- SwampTree1_Stub
- SwampTree2
- SwampTree2_darkland
- SwampTree2_log
- TentaRoot
- tentaroot_attack
- tolroko_flyer
- TrainingDummy
- TreasureChest_blackforest
- TreasureChest_fCrypt
- TreasureChest_forestcrypt
- TreasureChest_heath
- TreasureChest_meadows
- TreasureChest_meadows_buried
- TreasureChest_mountains
- TreasureChest_plains_stone
- TreasureChest_sunkencrypt
- TreasureChest_swamp
- TreasureChest_trollcave
- troll_groundslam_aoe
- troll_log_swing_h
- troll_log_swing_v
- Troll_ragdoll
- troll_throw_projectile
- tunnel_web
- turf_roof
- turf_roof_top
- turf_roof_wall
- VegvisirShard_Bonemass
- vertical_web
- vines
- widestone
- widestone_frac
- windmill
- Wolf_Ragdoll
- wood_beam
- wood_beam_1
- wood_beam_26
- wood_beam_45
- wood_door
- wood_dragon1
- wood_fence
- wood_floor
- wood_floor_1x1
- wood_gate
- wood_ledge
- wood_pole
- wood_pole_log
- wood_pole_log_4
- wood_pole2
- wood_roof
- wood_roof_45
- wood_roof_icorner
- wood_roof_icorner_45
- wood_roof_ocorner
- wood_roof_ocorner_45
- wood_roof_top
- wood_roof_top_45
- wood_stack
- wood_stair
- wood_stepladder
- wood_wall_half
- wood_wall_log
- wood_wall_log_4x0.5
- wood_wall_roof
- wood_wall_roof_45
- wood_wall_roof_top
- wood_wall_roof_top_45
- woodiron_beam
- woodiron_pole
- woodwall
- wraith_melee
- Blob
- BlobElite
- Boar
- Boar_piggy
- Crow
- Deathsquito
- Deer
- Draugr
- Draugr_Elite
- Draugr_Ranged
- Fenring
- Ghost
- Goblin
- GoblinArcher
- GoblinBrute
- GoblinClub
- GoblinHelmet
- GoblinLegband
- GoblinLoin
- GoblinShaman
- GoblinShoulders
- GoblinSpear
- GoblinSword
- GoblinTorch
- GoblinTotem
- Greydwarf
- Greydwarf_Elite
- Greydwarf_Root
- Greydwarf_Shaman
- Greyling
- Leech
- Lox
- Neck
- Seagal
- Serpent
- Skeleton
- Skeleton_Poison
- StoneGolem
- Surtling
- Troll
- Valkyrie
- Wolf
- Wolf_cub
- Wraith
- Eikthyr: Spawns Eikthyr.
- gd_king: Spawns The Elder.
- Bonemass: Spawns Bonemass.
- Dragon: Spawns a Moder.
- GoblinKing: Spawns Yagluth.
- Haldor: Spawns Haldor. Warning: he will spawn one foot on the ground and you cannot interact with him or remove him.
- BonePileSpawner
- Spawner_Blob
- Spawner_BlobElite
- Spawner_Boar
- Spawner_Draugr
- Spawner_Draugr_Elite
- Spawner_Draugr_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged
- Spawner_Draugr_Ranged_Noise
- Spawner_Draugr_respawn_30
- Spawner_DraugrPile
- Spawner_Fenring
- Spawner_Fish4
- Spawner_Ghost
- Spawner_Goblin
- Spawner_GoblinArcher
- Spawner_GoblinBrute
- Spawner_GoblinShaman
- Spawner_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Elite
- Spawner_Greydwarf_Shaman
- Spawner_GreydwarfNest
- Spawner_Hatchling
- Spawner_imp
- Spawner_imp_respawn
- Spawner_Leech_cave
- Spawner_Location_Elite
- Spawner_Location_Greydwarf
- Spawner_Location_Shaman
- Spawner_Skeleton
- Spawner_Skeleton_night_noarcher
- Spawner_Skeleton_poison
- Spawner_Skeleton_respawn_30
- Spawner_StoneGolem
- Spawner_Troll
- Spawner_Wraith
Shout out to the fans on Valheim reddit , especially u/Demogrim for their work in compiling this list!