WarCraft 3: All cheats and how you benefit from them

Home » Video Game Cheats » WarCraft 3: All cheats and how you benefit from them
February 5, 2024
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

All good things come in threes.

WarCraft 3: All cheats and how you benefit from them

The battle between humans and orcs continues in WarCraft 3: Reign oh Chaos. If you need assistance in battle or just want to have some fun, you can cheat.

In our guide below we will show you which cheats are available for WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos and what they will do for you.

All about cheats in WarCraft 3:

  • How do I use the cheats in WarCraft 3?
  • What cheat codes are there for WarCraft 3?

How do I use the cheats in WarCraft 3?

Using the cheats in WarCraft 3 is also relatively easy. When you are in a mission, press the Enter key, which opens the chat window. Then enter the cheat code you want and press the enter key again.

What cheat codes are there for WarCraft 3?

Below you can see in our list which cheat codes are available for WarCraft 3:

WHOSYOURDADDYYou become invulnerable and your opponents die after being hit.
KEYSERSOZE xYou receive a certain amount of gold, replace the x with any number.
LEAFITTOMS xYou get a certain amount of wood, replace the x with any number.
GREEDISGOOD xYou receive a certain amount of gold and wood, replace the x with any number.
POINTBREAK xYou receive a certain amount of food, replace the x with any number.
THEREISNOSPOONYou receive unlimited mana.
THEDUDEABIDESSpells become available again more quickly.
WARPTSYou build faster.
WHOISJOHNGALTYou can research faster.
SHARPANDSHINYYou will receive all upgrades.
SYNERGYThe entire technology tree is revealed and you can build anything.
RISEANDSHINEThe time is set to tomorrow.
LIGHTSOUTThe time is set to evening.
DAYLIGHTSAVINGS xSets a specific hour, replacing the x with the respective number.
DAYLIGHTSAVINGSEnables or disables daylight switching.
ISEEDEADPEOPLEThe entire map is revealed and the fog of war disappears.
STRONG HAND HONORAfter a defeat in the campaign you can continue playing.
ITVEXESMEAll victory conditions are deactivated, but victory is no longer possible.
ALLYOURBASEAREBELONGTOUSYou win the current level.
SOMEBODYSETUSUPTHEBOMBYou lose the current level.
MOTHERLAND xyMoves to a specific level. The y stands for the page (HUMAN, ORC e.g.), the x for the number of the level.
WarCraft 3: All cheats and how you benefit from them
There are also a number of cheats for WarCraft 3.

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