GTA4 + EFLC: Detailed map of the location of all pigeons, seagulls, jumps, first-aid kits, bulletproof vests, weapons, etc.

Home » Game Platforms » GTA4 + EFLC: Detailed map of the location of all pigeons, seagulls, jumps, first-aid kits, bulletproof vests, weapons, etc.
June 1, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Best Video Games

Here is a detailed map of the location of all the unique jumps, pigeons, gulls, passers-by, first-aid kit, bulletproof vests, weapons (by sight), cars for Stevie, parachutes.

GTA4 + EFLC: Detailed map of the location of all pigeons, seagulls, jumps, first-aid kits, bulletproof vests, weapons, etc.

1) unpack the archive.
2) run autorun.exe
Unlike the previous card here:
– There’s been a slight change.
– Fixed some errors.
– Specified location of weapons (by type).
– Added possibility to pick up video files (avi) for “unique jumps” on request. That is, now you can throw your video in which the jump is shown, and when you click on the mark, a screenshot will open and the video file you uploaded will start.
To do this, you need to take the video file, rename it to “jumps01” (the last digits are the number of the unique jump), example: jumps01.avi, and throw in the folder “\GTA4_ EFLC_Map_[BBC]\AutoPlay\Videos”.
– Added ability to hide a tag (PCM by tag).
– Added maps for The Ballad Of Gay Tony and The Lost And Damned.

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