Save Game GTA 4: 100% (with auto installation) Free Download

Save Game GTA 4 100% (auto installation) Free Download
The game is 100% complete (100% Warranty)
All the storyline missions have been completed;
Completed 10 Little Jacob’s drug delivery assignments;
victories in each of the 9 races offered by Brucie;
Brucie has delivered all the required vehicles;
Nine assassin missions completed;
30 vehicles delivered for Stevie;
Special bonuses open for three friends: Brucie, Jacob and Packy;
With each of the three friends (Brucie, Jacob, and Patrick) spent leisure time by all available means;
Beaten at a friend’s billiards, darts, and bowling;
Achieved maximum result in the QUB3D arcade;
Completed missions of all random characters;
Completed all missions of all random characters; Completed all search missions from police computer;
Completed 20 Vigilante missions from the “Recent Crimes” section of the police computer;
Killed 200 pigeons;
Performed 50 unique jumps.
Money – $761171