Grand Theft Auto (GTA IV) 4: Conservation (after each mission, excellent statistics, election of all forks)

The second improved part of GTA IV saves.
(GTA IV) 4: Conservation (after each mission, excellent statistics, the election of all forks)
-There’s more than one mission
-He’s been never to a hospital
-Has never been arrested
-Cool cars in the apartment parking lot
-Not one cheat code, coach, mod or other dishonest play method has been used in the passing.
-Provided for 1c licenses with patch installed on it.
-Savers were not registered in Games For Windows Live, which excludes errors of players with Live profile.
-Mission safes are even more now 8 archives
-The archive has 3 Read Me in Russian, English, and Ukrainian.
Elections in missions:
Kill or save Ivan-kill
Kill or leave the life of Vlad – kill.
Kill or leave the life of Sherize – Kill.
Kill Dane or Playboy.
Kill or leave to live Darko Leave to live
Learn more in README.