18 Wheels Of Steel: Pedal To The Metal: Tips And Tactics

Home » Game Tips and Tricks » 18 Wheels Of Steel: Pedal To The Metal: Tips And Tactics
September 9, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

18 Wheels Of Steel: Pedal To The Metal: Tips And Tactics
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First earn 100 thousand. Fuss. Further we go around the cities, we transport the cheapest goods on the most Galima car, in the upgrade, earn a rating (usually +6, if at time +9). When 50 rating earned, becoming director. Take duty through the laptop as much as possible, buy cars and hire workers. I exhibit so that they have taken the most coming loads. If it is too lazy to ride, pour out on the terminal when you wake up, they already brought something. And so, while not bypassing the new van and hire the driver, so to the end. I now have income per week 3000000!

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