Age Of Empires 2: Age Of Kings: Tips And Tactics
September 19, 2022
1 minute
You can still do so:
Need many stones and 10 – 15 settlers. Meaning – Build your castle right at the opponent’s city center. If at the beginning of the construction (up to 10 a maximum of 15%) does not destroy it, then the opponent of the dead. Of course he throws all his strength on your castle, but if you build it – shout. But building – Do not relax – until the end of the attack of his (castle) it is necessary to repair (that’s why there is a lot of st1). Yet!!! At the beginning of construction, you can also interfere with the enemy settlers attacking your builders. Direct the enemy settlers – two of their own and he will lag behind. Difficult nothing (except for a large – for one opponent, and huge – for all number of stones).