Silent Storm Operation: Tips And Tactics

Home » Game Tips and Tricks » Silent Storm Operation: Tips And Tactics
September 26, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Silent Storm Operation: Tips And Tactics
In Switzerland, it may seem that there are no random shocks and in risen, but it is not. They appear but rarely. It is possible to see half an hour and even more, but it is worth it! Here are only two random locations:
1) UFL. Surrounded by a guppy PC equipped with gatling and grenade launchers. For UFOs, you can find the prototype of rapid energy weapons with non-slabs! Having such a weapon in the Arsenal PCs go to the past as unnecessary!!! Last boss knead in cabbage.
2) Manaded. Protected by a group of armed people. In the estate itself, you can find a sniper rifle over the fireplace. This is a three-charged wrap, a damage is neurotid, the lesion radius is neurody. Cartridges to her later can be poured from the warehouse (safe) based on.

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