Zoom and Skype games: for playing with friends or family

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May 17, 2020
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

By Year 2020

A computer user, even the most inexperienced one, knows what the best messenger is, and almost every person uses it regularly. We will write about skype, and more specifically, about how to play your favorite games in it with a colleague, a child, for example, Minecraft, checkers, chess, how to become a millionaire and more. Indeed, few people really know that a popular application is not a single-tasking program at all, that with its help you can even organize an access point, make calls, and play games.

Zoom and Skype games: for playing with friends or family

Is it possible to play with the interlocutor

This feature was present almost in the very first version of skype. If during installation an attentive user decided to look at the settings, he noticed, among others, a checkmark expressing his consent to install extras manager. This add-on significantly expanded the capabilities of the client and, among others, allowed the user to play various toys without leaving skype.

To play, it was enough just to call your friend or girlfriend, be sure to turn on the video link, and go to the menu item “Tools” – “Extras” – “Games”. In the window that appeared, something interesting was selected, when you clicked on it, an invitation was sent to a friend. After adoption, a battle or strategy began. In this case, both you and the interlocutor should have installed the same version of the application.

Unfortunately, since version 5.3. Extras manager was removed from the messenger due to its low popularity, but could still be downloaded from the official site. Well, starting from a later version, extras manager has been removed from everywhere, and patches for new versions have completely stopped. Now it is impossible to download it.

But the program quickly got an alternative. Those who want to play can download a special program from the network – Game Organizer – and allow its constant access to the messenger. The program itself has a completely Russian-language interface and is simple and easy to install – the user will need only a few important decisions.

If you do not want to install additional software, use the old versions of skype. Customer support recommends the following site as a source: skypetips.ru/old_version_skype.htm. The latest version of Skype for Windows XP, for example, does not contain additional software.
You can play on the multiplayer without voice communication, communicating with a friend in the messenger. And that’s a lot more fun than chatting.

With child

The program provides a huge selection of different applications. Particularly rich sections designed for joint games with the child. Developing, vibrant, and colorful – they will amaze any child and help to further strengthen family ties.
A great example of a strategy for children that develops spatial thinking and fine motor skills is Beach Beatz.

What is it:

  1. It resembles a simplified version of billiards with competitive elements.
  2. Each of those present is invited to independently choose a figure from the balls and field restrictions.
  3. The goal is to push as many enemy balls as possible from a field using a small ball of a contrasting hue.
  4. Who earned more points, he won.
  5. In addition to this child, bright graphics and fun music will attract.

The child will like Patchworkz:

  1. Before him appears a small field with patches of bright fabric with intricate patterns and gaps between them.
  2. The goal is to insert the missing shreds into the gaps as soon as possible and go to the next level.
  3. Gradually, the level gets complicated and complicated, and earning points becomes difficult

For three

If you want to have a good time in a large company, use the games in the messenger for three or more people. One of them is rightfully considered the famous electronic Ludo Adventure. This is a desktop strategy designed for several people.

What to do in it:

  1. Only four characters missing are simply replaced by computer intelligence.
  2. Each rolls a die and moves the chip by the specified number of units.
  3. After the chip goes through a full circle, it goes to the center.
  4. The user who first moved all four chips to the center remains the winner.

With a friend

If your goal is to spend a little time with a girlfriend for two, a competitive solution to Weidi-Go is a great solution.


  1. You and your interlocutor find yourself in the middle of a huge field.
  2. Each has an unlimited number of chips.
  3. The main task is to occupy the entire field, but it is not so simple.
  4. If enemy chips surround you from all sides, say goodbye to this place – it is no longer yours.

Who wants to be a millionaire game

Skype helps to play not only various banal applications but also to conduct a real intellectual battle. A variety of role-playing events are often held at this site. One of the most popular in real space is “Who wants to be a millionaire?” – Recently, it is carried out only by means of this client.

The rules remain exactly the same:

  1. Money is transferred to the wallet of popular financial systems.
  2. The main prize is about 100 dollars.
  3. All comers are watching what is happening through the conference in skype, they are also considered a “hall”, that is, they answer questions after activating the “help hall” bonus.
  4. If you do not want to enter the big arena, you can enroll in one of the local ones.

Like-minded people can be found on social networks.

Zoom and Skype games: for playing with friends or family

Robbery game

Well, who at one time did not stare on TV for a program called The Bank Job? Who did not dream to participate in it, but sighed enviously, because the TV show was shot in Britain? But the Internet has long cast off the boundaries of nationality because skype has appeared in the world, and Robbery has switched to the Internet format.

The rules remain exactly the same while affecting intuition, erudition, and greed. You can get acquainted with the essence of the show on the YouTube video service.

Zoom and Skype games: for playing with friends or family

Russian checkers

Compared with the limitless possibilities of the client, the information that you can play Russian checkers in skype, you will not surprise anyone.

The best representative of the genre is considered “Checkers”, characterized by a simple, minimalist design and simple, banal rules.
Any person who first entered it will not be surprised, because it is no different from the commonplace checkers from standard Windows programs.

Zoom and Skype games: for playing with friends or family


In addition to checkers, tic-tac-toe, billiards, and a fool, the real chess is also available in the messenger. The representative of this genre is “Chess” – an ugly banal and very beautifully drawn 3D flash game.

Zoom and Skype games: for playing with friends or family

What to do if skype muffles the game

Skype is the gamer’s best assistant, but sometimes it misfires. The client’s main blunder: the disappearance of all computer sounds, without which the game becomes not so interesting and atmospheric.

To get rid of this:

  1. go to “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Sound” – “Communication”;
  2. set the switch to “Not required”.
  3. If the messenger is still jamming the game, go to the “Volume Mixer” and lower the bar of the messenger a little.
  4. Now his sounds will sound much quieter than the rest.

How the Game Organizer Program Will Help Us

To fully reveal the capabilities of the client, you will need a Game Organizer – an invaluable thing that has adequately replaced its predecessor. There are countless diverse games available where you can have fun killing time. Unfortunately, there are no other alternatives.

Important is the fact that the same company developed the Game Organizer that was responsible for the addition. Therefore, if you do not want to look for old versions, you should definitely look for it on the Internet and download it to your computer.


The messenger gives people incredible opportunities, the main thing is to be able to use them. Thanks to skype alone, thousands and thousands of games were transformed, becoming more soulful and brighter, filled with the voices of many friends.

It replaces online gaming sites, chat clients, and awkward text chatting in games. And without him, the world would be a little sadder.

Advantages and disadvantages

The only drawback of the client is a large amount of RAM allocated to it. Therefore, if you are playing through the messenger, begin to get used to frequent braking and freezes, or purchase a more powerful computer.

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