6 Games For Online Parties in Zoom, Skype + Other Conference Calls

Home » Game News » 6 Games For Online Parties in Zoom, Skype + Other Conference Calls
May 17, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

By Year 2020

I never

Old as the world, the game “I will never” will allow you to learn a lot about friends. Who tried cat food, fell asleep at work, fell in love with a friend of a friend – the game will show. The rules are simple: a phrase in the format “I have never jumped with a parachute” is voiced – who jumped drinks. Recommended in the late stages of the party, when the drinks are stronger, and the moves of the participants are better.


In this game, you are waiting for philosophical and not-so-very questions that will push for heated discussions. The host announces two plus or minus equivalent situations: eating buckwheat all his life – or forever giving up wine, self-isolating himself in a studio apartment with an unloved person for a whole year – or spending a month alone in an empty country house without internet or connection. Participants must choose one thing and argue their position. The host gives a point for the most convincing speech. The role moves in a circle, tasks are more interesting to compose on the go, but you can use the templates of the mobile application.


Fanta is always a good idea, even if you have a Skype bar. Make friends sing songs in the window, call the ex, meet a courier in a mom costume – it will be fun. Different rules of the game may apply online. Option 1: one person downloads the application and distributes tasks in a circle. Option 2: one person takes the lead, on command, all participants write to him in a personal task – which came first, then it is performed on this tour.

Sea battle

Remote (alcoholic, of course) sea battle is suitable for those who are attracted to intellectual entertainment. Everyone knows the rules, only this time we increase the degree: if injured – take a sip, killed – all five.


The Crocodile in the distance is also cheerful. Make words in PM, show on webcam, guess together. If the Internet hangs – even more fun.


A good game to adapt to an online party is the Ruff game. Each player receives tasks before drinking: squeeze out, quickly recite a poem, scream just like tennis players and other quarantine fantasies scream.

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