Borderlands 2: Trainer (+12) [1.7] {MrAntiFun}

Home » Video Game Trainers » Borderlands 2: Trainer (+12) [1.7] {MrAntiFun}
June 23, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Game Platforms

Borderlands 2: Trainer (+12) [1.7]

AuthorVersionFunctionsDate of creation
F1Inf. HealthBesk. health
F2Inf. Ammo – GrenadesBesk. ammunition / grenades
F3No ReloadNo reload
F4Inf. MoneyBesk. money
F5Inf. Skill PointsBesk. skill points
F6Adding ExpAdding Experience
F7Badass TokenAdding a Token
F8Better AccuracyAccuracy improvement
F9Instant Skill Cool DownInstant skill recovery
F10Inf. ShieldBesk. shield charge
F11No RecoilNo recoil
Borderlands 2: Trainer (+12) [1.7] {MrAntiFun}

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