DEVIL moved to EnVyUs?

Home » Cyber Sport » DEVIL moved to EnVyUs?
June 15, 2016
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

DEVIL moved to EnVyUs?

More recently, news came from the EnVyUs camp. The team announced the signing of Timothee ‘DEVIL Démolon, which was acquired from LDLC White. Devil will replace KioShiMa, which has stopped showing excellent performance. We don’t know where KioShiMa will go.

By the way, KioShiMa also joined the team from LDLC. Who knows, maybe a newbie will lead a team to many titles,

KioShiMa is a player since CS 1.6, together with EnVyUs he won Dreamhack Cluj-Napoca 2015. Let’s hope that the guy will find a decent team. We can only wish him good luck, but at the moment the composition looks like this:

DEVIL moved to EnVyUs?Nathan “NBK Schmitt
DEVIL moved to EnVyUs? Vincent “Happy Schopenhauer
DEVIL moved to EnVyUs? Kenny “kennyS Schrub
DEVIL moved to EnVyUs? Dan “apEX Madesclaire
DEVIL moved to EnVyUs?Timothée “DEVIL Démolon

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