Tormentum: Dark Sorrow: Video Overview Games

Home » Game Reviews » Tormentum: Dark Sorrow: Video Overview Games
February 11, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tormentum: Dark Sorrow: Video Overview Games
Last year, the famous Swiss artist died Hans Rudolf Higer (Hans Rudolf Giger), who invented the image of xenomorph for the film “Alien”. In the same year, the father died Peter Rushkovsky (Piotr Ruszkowsk9), Little Polish leader Ohnoo Studio. What is the connection between these two sad events? The fact is that Peter decided to make the game in memory of his father, Miroslava, – and at the same time it can be called dedication to creativity Giger.Tormentum: Dark Sorrow: Video Overview GamesWhite dove in such landscapes, you see, it looks foreign.
On the border between sleep and jaw

Name Tormentum – Dark Sorrow Adjusts to the right way, and from the very first minutes we are immersed in the atmosphere of pain, suffering and death. The main character, a man in a long raincoat and a hood hiding face, reveals himself in a cage that a huge airship is lucky in an unknown direction. He does not remember anything: does not even know his name and where he comes from. Soon, together with other prisoners, our hero becomes a prisoner in a huge Gothic castle, where the skull, bones, torture, monsters and riddles.

At first he will have to escape from the castle, then make a trip to wild wastelands and visit the Valley of Ice Tears to find the answer to the main question: who he is from where it came from and that in general it was a nightmare or gloomy reality? Or the last chance to save your soul?

The plot will turn on the spot long enough, forcing us to look for a way out of the castle, again and again visit familiar locations. However, then more and more interesting characters and situations appear. And already a junction in Tormentum – Dark Sorrow And at all from the series “It is worth waiting”. In addition, along the passage, as the authors promised, we periodically need to make a moral choice – to kill, for example, a pretty witch, sitting in a cage, as he asks the jester with a sad face, or, on the contrary, to free her. Mostly solutions precisely in the spirit of “execute or pardon”, but come across and the situation is more interesting – to choose, say, who give the crown.

All decisions have both local (rescued prisoner you will then see also and you can even visit his house) and the global consequences that determine which – “bad” or “good” – you get the ending.Tormentum: Dark Sorrow: Video Overview GamesThe picture “Russian Railways lack financing for the repair of rolling stock”.
Scary riddles

Tormentum – This is a classic quest. The hero does not move, we move between the screens on the click of the mouse and in each location we select important items, solve puzzles, we are looking for keys, twist levers and valves or pass mini-games.

Task design corresponds to a gloomy atmosphere and stylistics. We disassemble the skeletal bones to get the key, insert the eyes into dead sockets, with the help of directed mirrors, make up a pentagram from the beams, activate the torture mechanism piercing the guardian guard by spear, we cling to belly a huge dead worm to get a gem, and so on.

True, many situations and puzzles are repeated and do not require any special brain efforts – Tormentum Periodically resembles a collection of mini-games. Yes, and the logic is sometimes very distracted, from the series “The main thing that was strange and mysterious”. For example, to cut off the paw with a poisonous spider, you must first pay a certain symbol and insert it into the forehead of a huge doll, which the creature then drags somewhere. Feel communication? So we also do not.

Games like art

However, all this can be called ratings rather than any serious criticism. The plot is gradually revealed, there are new characters, tension and desire to understand what is happening increasing. New riddles and puzzles appear with locations.

But the main thing is, of course, the atmosphere itself and stylistics. Here it is useless for a long time to describe, just take a look at the screenshots and art, add Greorian chants and atmospheric doom metal, and you will understand what we are. Grotesque figures and mechanisms, huge eyes watching you, frozen in the screaming face closed in the wall, the train, made, seems to be from dead flesh, people with animal masks and insects, giant statues on the background of meteorites falling from the sky – Tormentum once reminds about nekritics Giger, And about surrealism Salvador Dali, And about mysticism Jerome Boscha.Tormentum: Dark Sorrow: Video Overview GamesTo Tormentum Poles released on mobile platforms Children’s interactive book with the cute name Amelia and Terror of the Night.***
Make a gloomy, atmospheric quest with a large number of puzzles, a moral choice and two endings – this is, of course, well, especially today, when such games once, two and turned around. But there is no something supernatural. But forces of three people, by 11 thousand dollars collected through Kickstarter, to create a real work of picturesque art, which immediately wants to grow on posters, paintings and “wallpaper” – this is a feat, talent and deserves respect. So we will be looking forward to waiting for the following works from Ohnoo Studio. Or personal exhibition of her artists.

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