Semblance: Video Game Overview
Often in the platformer, the player enters the room, covered with small panels, spikes, lasers and opponents. And in no way to change the environment does not allow him, except that there are levers, moving platforms in different directions. IN Semblance Levels are somewhat different: you can deform the land and various obstacles, solving puzzles in this way. Change shape, of course, you can not far from all objects on the screen, but the freedoms here are enough for the game to stand out against the background of the rest of the genre.
It was direct – became the curve
The main character, judging by one of the menu items, is the name of the clips. This little creature with big white eyes is trying to save the forest, suffering from a strange infection. All large trees are infected and covered with a green substance, and many forest inhabitants are sharpened in crystals.
Besides the ability to run and jump the lipik knows how to make a jerk to the side. And this turns out to be enough to solve a plurality of mysteries – it is with the help of a jerk, the deformation of platforms and surfaces. “Soft” objects differ from all other appearance – they are monophonic, whereas the usual environment elements are more detailed.
The deformation occurs exactly how it imagine it before the start of passage. If the platform is thin, and you hit it from below, it will bend, and the cock will be able to climb on the resulting Hollyk and jump above. In the ground, you can dug a small pit, jumping and making a jerk down. To fight opponents the hero is not capable, but with the help of these holes you can escape from the enemies, which are still flying from side to side.
South African developers Nyamakop A lot of interesting levels have come up with the same character’s skill. Over time, lasers will begin to appear, covening cocks, then the rays will be added, due to which the surface cannot be deformed. Some zones will be covered with red dots – the hero is deprived of the main skill in them, and therefore cannot be sparking the platform.Endlessly deforming the same platform – otherwise many riddles would be much easier.
Later and complex puzzles forced or think over all a few steps forward or experiment, trying to interact with all objects, tilting in different directions of the rays and watching the surroundings reaction to your actions. Worry about what you will spoil and confuse yourself because of the deformation of the platforms, it is not necessary – one button can be returned to all objects their former condition. And if after a long torment, you threw the laser and died, you will not only be transferred very close to the same riddle, but also leave untouched a sparky environment.
The forest will be saved
Personally, I have no puzzles seemed to be divancingly difficult, but some of them had to spend about five minutes. For those who are not as amicable and prefers to leave the most difficult for later, such an option is always available – even the very first puzzle will be able to solve only at the very end if you wish. The game is divided into three episodes (and one more extra in the final), and they consist of several stages, and the player can move freely from one task to another without any obstacles.
The task is the same one and the same – to solve the puzzle and take the sphere that hangs in the air or lies in a secluded place. Thanks to these areas, large trees gradually come to life, and the forest acquires the former look, getting rid of infection. These gameplay and limited – more to complete the plot nothing to do. To somehow entertain yourself, you can pass the red insects alone, and entertaining riddles are connected with them. I do not know what exactly will be given for the search for all these creatures (most likely nothing), but in this way we can stretch the passage.From the “soft” walls you can make a kind of ladder.
Unfortunately, ends Semblance Very quickly – after two more than an hour, the player shows titers. The final episode where the developers literally check you on strength and dump in one bunch of all old mechanics, ends, without having time to start. I want more, I want some original ideas and funny situations, but no – after the user titers, throw out in the menu where it can only start passing.
And the story here is not fully understood – the topic of the conflict between the forest inhabitants and the evil invaders are uncovered until the end. Who are these creatures, why do they do it and how infection affects vegetation and living creatures? From time to time, they come back on secret rooms with sharp painting, but these drawings do not really explain anything. Without motivation to play such platformers, but if you really find secrets, I want to see more meaning in them.
This impression does not spoil, largely due to visual style and sound, which do not cease to delight up to the final. The inhabitants of the forest, not touched by infection, are found at every step and react to the appearance of the character – they will be squeezed and will become one size with it, they will be tilted in his direction. And the soundtrack is greatly complementing what is happening and not annoying during the solidification of difficult tasks. It is a pity that the authors could not completely get rid of the bugs – the lipik is sometimes stuck in platforms and walls. But it is solved by pressing the pause and the salvation of poor.Some of the most interesting puzzles are connected with rays.***
Creators Semblance invented unusual mechanics for platformers and excellently implemented it. They settled a pretty creature in an equally cute world, invented dozens of interesting mysteries and were not afraid to put the hero with only one ability. It is a pity that there are few levels in the game, and therefore it goes in a couple of hours. But let the player better want more than he will be lazy to get to the ending, hoping for the emergence of final titles.
Pros: Excellent puzzles with original game mechanics;wonderful level design;convenient control;Stylish Picture and Pleasant Soundtrack.
Minuses: Small duration;Secret locations do not help better understand the story;Small bugs.