The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game Overview

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April 6, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game Overview
The Outer Worlds received from us “amazing”, but not everyone liked this game. Arguing about how good it is good plot, partners and a charter component, we will now not. I will only say right away and on the case: the first addition to the game, Peril on Gorgon, does not make anything fundamentally new in the gameplay, does not add new companions and does not change the landing or the structure of the narration. That is, if there were errors here, then the addon does not correct them. But then it is worth attention to the first of two planned additions to one of the best (yes, I still think so) RPG last year? Answer – yes. Now I will explain why – on the fingers and in pictures.

New story

Main dish The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon – New and very important story for the entire plot, which is organically woven into the main story. Conditionally speaking, if you wanted to know where the marauders were disappeared in the farthest earthly colony, then the addition gives an exhaustive answer.

The case, of course, in the next unsuccessful experiments, but not so simple. There are no simple family relationships, and ambiguous moral and ethical issues are mixed. Even the Botany scientists do not fit into the familiar image of the insane geniuses-villains.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewAlthough they all, of course, somehow crazy.
As the authors promised, the story turns into a detective investigation, even almost narrowed in places – in any case, the raincoats and a hat with bonuses to the skills of communication in the game were delivered. It all starts with obtaining a strange and even terrible parcel (torn hand and record from its owner), and ends with a serious and difficult moral choice, which should potentially affect the entire colony – perhaps the consequences we will see in the following addition or in a full-fledged sequel.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewListen to the entry from the face of a torn hand gathered the whole team.
In the break between these two events somewhere within 10 hours we attend a decent new asteroid in size (actually, Gorgon), dangle on other planets and ships in search of key characters, we are witnessing underground dog battles (called Psyche here Psidam9), worryAttack on your ship gang of mercenaries and listen to the awesome warnings of the mysterious stranger.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewWho is this, we will only learn in the final.
There are many battles at the same time, and sometimes very difficult (I played at a high level of difficulty) – this is the high-level content, and you can start an addition only after the quest on the monarch, that is, about the 25th character level.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewSpecial effects during the fight there somehow especially many.
However, there are options to avoid collisions (or simplify them) with the help of stealth, search by workarounds or, for example, luring to your side of this very funny automation.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewThis is almost the only automation in the game, who is ready to stand on our side. Although it would be more useful for modern politicians.
And even more in Peril on Gorgon Options for applying conversational skills. There are many examples (you can even drive my scientist’s mind), but here is the most revealing: my character managed to convince one of the main characters to decide the world, and not a fight, although most of the guidelines it says that she will attack anyway, even if at first agree to retreat.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewTrue, on the way to it will have to fight a lot.
And about the duration – yes, the story in Peril on Gorgon not the most epic, and if you run a gallop in the plot, then it will turn it out for three or four hours. But there are also side quests (naturally, with different solution options), and the ability to overhear the funny dialogs to participate in the resolution of the dispute of two mercenaries. And the chance during the study of the Gorgon stumble upon this:The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewArchaeologists, by the way, argue here too.
And if you need to play more carefully, it will not be exactly done at three to four hours. In addition, in numerous terminals you can find funny notes.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewThis is perhaps the perfect manual for modern advertising managers.
Newcomers among the partners in the add-on there are really no, but the “old people” are actively involved in the discussion of all new events and our solutions.

There are and much more extensive reasoning.

New features for pumping and new weapons

Naturally, in this high-level addone, the “levkap” of the character – until the 35th level. Accordingly, not only new skills and peppers appeared, but the old will work out further, before the rank of “virtuoso” (you need to invest 150 points).

And achieving this rank opens up very interesting opportunities. For example, you will be absolutely preserving previous modifications of weapons, call new partners to replace the current, even if you are not aboard your ship, and your bullets when applying a critical damage will begin to ricoze in other enemies. Together with new skills, it certainly makes a more interesting game in general, and not just an addition.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewNeed to strongly develop determination.
Among the more powerful new equipment, too, there are unusual instances – for example, a mentioned hat or a fiery sword PET (Pest Extermination Tool). The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewHow do you like this detective?

In addition, you can find a lot of unique weapons with interesting effects, like roasted, burning, discarding, and so on.The Outer Worlds: Peril On Gorgon: Video Game OverviewYou have to constantly give out new guns to the partners and modify them.
Also from the new note the phonographs – an analogue of audio angles from Bioshock. True, I noticed them and listened mainly during the execution of side quests.***
Conclusion simple: Peril on Gorgon – This is an addition first of all for those who accepted the original The Outer Worlds as it is, and wants additives. They got a new one, quite interesting and cool cooked (especially in the final) story that complements the main story and gives the answer to a very and very important issue for the whole game.

Pros: Interesting and important story for the whole story;Many options for using conversational skills;With an increase in the maximum level of the character’s development, new skills appeared, and the old were allowed to develop even deeper;There are unusual weapons and clothes.

Minuses: In the gameplay, nothing really changed, and the story itself may seem short.

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