Aragami 2: Video Overview Games

Home » Game Reviews » Aragami 2: Video Overview Games
April 19, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Aragami 2: Video Overview Games

Purebred stealth action remains in our time rarity. Splinter Cell has long been dead, new Metal Gear Solid may not be, and Assassin’s Creed develops in another direction. Independent developers also do not complain this genre, but not all – five years after the release of Aragami Barcelona team Lince Works Released Sikvel. However, there is a feeling that it was not very interesting to create this game.

Hidden Savior

To understand the plot of Aragami 2, you do not need to pass the first part. We manage the warrior Aragi, who after a small entry meets the leader of the Krootsuba clan. The chapter makes a tour of a small village and tells about the competing clan Akatsuti – these rascals destroy and destroy everything on their path and at any time can get to the village at any moment. In addition to the terrain, a curse is imposed, because of which the inhabitants almost lost human nature, and it is advisable for us to find the remedy for him.

The plot is simple as two kopecks, but the developers pay it extremely long time. There are five dozen missions here, and almost after each hero returns to the village and must communicate with two or three people. Characters remain boring blanks, new actors are indistinguishable from old, nothing is voiced, a lot of replicas – already after half an hour to read it is uninteresting. It is clear that you need to explain why the hero is constantly going somewhere and does something, but it would be better if the story was at least a little bit original.

Aragami 2: Video Overview Games

Characters love to repeat the same thing.

Although the plot is not the main problem of the game: it is generally very boring and inconspicuous, let it have bright moments in it. The main skill of the protagonist – shadow jump. Sending an eye on the roof of the building or some fence, the player will quickly teleport to the specified location and clinging or sits on the selected object. It is necessary for overcoming obstacles (for example, you need to jump over the water, and the usual double jump is not enough) and for the massacre over the guilty by the guards.

Pluses hide

Aragami 2 does not limit the possibilities and from the very beginning it offers everything you expect from stealth action. You can hide in high grass, jump on enemies on top and in the flight click on the fast kill button, reset opponents from cliffs and observation towers, if you hang on the wall and you can reach them with your hand. Even the “look of the shadow” is available immediately – clamp the button and see the silhouettes of all neighboring enemies, and even scattered gold is highlighted.

Aragami 2: Video Overview Games

Over time, the “eyes” is improving – in particular, it shows the routes of enemies.

Maybe therefore interest in the game quickly fuses – from the first minutes there are so many options that the passage of missions does not cause any problems. Hidden to eliminate goals too simple, and you can break the stealth only if you hurried. Yes, and if the enemies noticed, it is not difficult to teleport to the roof and sit there a couple of seconds. Opponents quickly surrender, the red triangles over their heads are replaced by orange, and therefore, it is possible to jump onto them from the same roof.

Aragami 2: Video Overview Games

Who he says it?

Missions are very banal and monotonous. Kill the goal, find three important items for the clan, destroy the supplies. Although the tasks seem to be different, you are trying to be the same. Therefore, there is no desire to return to the levels passed for the improvement of the results. Occasionally in the missions, rollers on the engine are launched, but it would be better not to be – everything is shown from two angles, there is no facial animation, and the meaningless dialogs even more.

It is useful to take with you amnesia needles – they are badly affected by the mind of opponents.

Okay, the design of locations was standing out by something, but here there are promises – interesting situations in Aragami 2 can not be. The feeling that most missions were created using random generation – from time to time you will be returned to the already stripped areas, only there again the enemies will take away from somewhere, and the tasks will change. The opponents will become more, but to eliminate them will be familiar methods: again teleportation, jumping and waiting in high grass.

In many ways, this is connected with boring opponents whose types are not so much. Some walk from the corner to the angle, without turning on the path either by a centimeter, others stand like inserted (even if they suspect something, it is impossible to leave the post), others are located at the height and, in the case of which fiery bombs are thrown. Artificial intelligence is too bad for this kind of game: enemies quickly forget about you, they see badly and even worse hear.

Briefly about artificial intelligence.

Because of this, the character pumping is not very useful, although the abilities in it are interesting – in a good game they would certainly have significantly changed gameplay. The ability to attract and stun the enemy, calling the generation of shadows or shadow twin, double murders, invisibility … Of course, here it can also come in handy here, that’s just the game easily goes even without buying skills – a character and so strong and deft, and the enemies are stupid.

The weakness of the Aragami is only one – health is not enough. If the enemy noticed you, you can not run away, but try to give him. The attack is carried out by one button, and the other is the block, and if you block the accurate before the enemy blow, then you do parry. Very primitive system, but it works not so bad. It is better to fight only one opponent – two or threesome they will not leave the chance to win. Fortunately, within one mission of lives in Aragami, two – if you die, just come back to the beginning of the location.

Be sure to run up another one!

It is a pity that the developers have been shaken behind the number of missions, and not for quality. From Aragami 2 could turn out short, but funny stealth action, the benefit of successful gameplay elements in it. When you jump over from one roof to another, you are looking for dilapidated columns and clinging for them, overcome large areas, remaining unnoticed, – at such moments the game I want to even slightly, but praise. This is not a garbage like Shadwen, but it’s not to appreciate it.

Pros: imperceptibly eliminating enemies and jump on them from above is fun;Use a shadow jump is not bored.

Minuses: boring plot that is too much;monotonous tasks;the uninteresting design of locations and the need to return to them;stupid artificial intelligence;pumping is not very needed because the game is so simple.

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