Black Legend: Video Game Overview
Have you ever killed enemies in tactical games using alchemical labels, overlapping the effects of Runedo, Nigredo, Albedo, Tsitrinitas and Activating Gold, Scarlet, Silver and Bronze Catalysts? But B Black Legend these are still incomprehensible (I’ll explain soon!) things can do. But how interesting were these mechanics and did they help the game?
There, here, back, and we are unpleasant
Black Legend – Scene tactical RPG. True, plot
Pretty standard and not burdened by special intrigues. We play for mercenaries who are trying to save the inhabitants of the Grant – Alchemist Mephisto and his cultists were frightened to the streets of a poison fog that drives crazy and kills. Many tried to escape and help residents, but, of course, only we have to do it.
The database of mercenaries is becoming a local guild of merchants, where we trade, replenish a detachment of four fighters with new mercenaries (if there are such) and we get basic and additional tasks. And we run the whole game from the guild to some city district and back, performing unaccomfortable most of their quests.
Only came, and again.
Unlock passage to the port, return back, find out what happened to our scouts, and go back, kill one of the leaders of the cult and return back. Find an artisan in the customs area and show him this, and he, naturally, will ask to come back back to the guild of merchants so that we take something to him there and returned back … Oh Lord!
As a result, the whole game comes down to such a running around the districts and tangled Grant streets. And a normal map was not taken here – instead, they offer to navigate the signs on the pillars, where the location of the North, the South, the West and the East varies depending on which side you are looking at pointers.
You can get used to such navigation, but not immediately.
At the same time the city itself is empty. This, on the one hand, is explained by the plot (the survivors are sitting on the houses, and only the cultists and marauders roam through the streets), but on the other – it would be possible to think about something, add scenes and situations. Only sometimes there are rare characters outstanding a side quest and agreeable to join us in exchange for help.
The only interesting side episode is associated with these strange ladies.
Well, though with the atmosphere more or less. Everything is gloomy and painful, barricades and gallows with corpses. And the architecture is nontrivial – medieval, XVII century, resembling Gothic (the authors say about Scottish).
In the city there are many cemeteries, monuments and high fences.
Interclative equality
The game of the game process everything seems to be more diverse. Mercenaries can be 15 different classes. And the class becomes available after we find all its profile gear. Then we find equipment for another specialization and so on – in the end allowed to change the class at any time, under which the game with a machine is put on the character best “projectile”.
Equipments There are a lot here, and with bosses you can take a unique.
Interestingly, every weapon gives active and passive abilities for one or even several classes. And these skills can be designed as use (passive are learned simply during the fight) – after the ability to be studied, it will be allowed to be used as an inter-odd. It is a really interesting mechanic that stimulates experimenting and selecting different specialization, skills and their combinations.
Only the most severe ability of each class can not be used as an interclative.
Body alchemy
Besides, in Black Legend The system of alchemical labels mentioned at the very beginning of the article, which here correspond to a humoral teaching about four liquids in the human body. We, respectively, should cause the imbalance of these liquids. Tags (“Humors”) are superimposed by skills, and their combinations are poured into unstable catalysts of different colors. For example, from Nighredo (black) and the ruled (red), a scarlet catalyst is obtained, and from the ruled and citrinity (yellow) – bronze. And then you need to use attacks catalysts that cause huge damage. It works both in relation to enemies and against our wards.
Now I will remove the enemy with one shot.
Characters can also be equipped with special objects that use these catalysts – so, one imposes bleeding in the scarlet catalysis of the target, and the other restores 5% of the maximum health for each stamp of the ruled on the adversary.
It sounds soothing, but in fact everything is easier: you must first impair enemies by skills, especially without bothering, they impose citrinity or, sorry, nigredo, and then finish-catalysts. And it is advisable to do it with a flank or rear – so damage more.
Duelists and Pluts who know how to strike in the back, especially useful.
Abalans and brains did not bring
And everything would be fine, but in Black Legend
There are obvious problems with balance. Enemies are fully, from all the equipment and consumables, plus the drawers with the same good. Classes open quickly, and the experience is pouring the river. And after some time you stop meeting resistance, and your pockets crack from steep equipment, potions and money, which is simply nowhere to give. In addition, the enemy AI frankly tupit – the opponents for some reason rarely finish fighters harshades.
Even bosses do not pose a special threat – with them just roughening.
So I had on a “customizable” level of difficulty, where compared to the usual I reduced the experience of experience for my heroes. Those who played “hard” write in Steam that there is about the same situation. But in any case, if you want to get from Black Legend at least some challenge not only at the beginning of the game, then unscrew the complexity to the maximum, forbidden to persist during the battle and use stones, resurrect allies. You can also reduce the number of opponents and drop-down equipment – as they say, better less, yes better.
Before the fight, you need to properly arrange the heroes.
IN Black Legend There are interesting ideas, but, as often happens in such cases, not everything happened with the implementation. I have not yet said about not the most convenient interface, technical flaws, bugs and departures, which, however, are actively legal patches. And now if the authors listen to reviews, fix the AI, correlate the balance and add a map, only then from Black Legend You can enjoy.
Pros: the ability to change classes on the go, as well as study and use interclative skills;In battles, an original mechanic based on bodily alchemy is used;Many types of equipment;Beautiful architecture at levels.
Minuses: Sad runs on locations without a normal map;problems with optimization, balance and AI enemies;bugs and departures;Outdated graphics.