Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview
May 16, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Dynamic shooters in the “Roganic” shell is now not right in fashion, but certainly not deprived by the attention of the public and developers. Recently, Ziggrat 2 came out – a completely wonderful and very brisk, not easy game. The only thing she is missing is, it is probably a cooperative. But in the Gunfire Reborn there is no problem. And in general, the fighter notable – whether a joke, now he has 56 thousand reviews in Steam and very positive assessments. What is this miracle from China?

Heroes, money, scrolls, two trunks

ATO that the game is Chinese, it is clear immediately – the first accessible hero, a funny cat in a hat, to music with Asian motifs is included in the crypt of Lunenil, to fight with numerous enemies, pump out, choose a new weapon, proudly put the foot on the next boss and go further. Yes, a special miracle in Gunfire Reborn no – the gameplay basis is extremely simple and understandable. Fight overlooking the first person, develop, meet merchants, open new heroes, weapons and locations.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Disco begins!

But the main thing in this scheme is a variety of weapons that rolls like an abundance horns and makes you remember the Borderlands: each cannon has its own, rare or legendary properties, each different from other power, rapidity, store store, a factor of critical damage imposed by natural effectsetc. Plus, many have alternative fire modes like a rapid flow of the remaining cartridges in one goal or launch of the charged sphere that you need to shoot yourself. Weapons allowed to pump out a blacksmith. Therefore, you can stand for a long time over the powders dropped, compare them and decide what to take with you.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Dilemma, however!

In addition, each hero can still break enemies with unique skills. For example, the first cat is thrown by smoke grenades and produces an energy ball that rolls the target and causes damage. And the Pink Bunny Peach releases a lot of knives or calls on the exploding roses buds, which celebrate all opponents in the radius and cause powerful damage. There is still a bear, swallow, turtle and miracle yudo nicknamed lurch.

Even looking at how peach plays, interesting.

New heroes open mainly for fragments of the shower, which we accumulate as locations passing out or when achieving a new level of abilities. For example, to unlock the Mishuut, you need to get to the 25th, and the speaker will open only on the 55th. The levels of abilities are hampered just for shower fragments – after the defeat in the race or if you decide to go out. Options that pump, mass – there are separate branches responsible for health and protection, for damage, for the power of heroic skills, for help in adventure (more falling gold, discounts from merchants and T. D.), as well as for unlocking and pumping new types of weapons. Plus, we submit passive hero skills that everyone also has their own.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

During the race you can always see how the character develops.

There is a time to think that, like where. But during the adventure itself more difficult. There after passing each location also give a choice of three improvements, and if you play a team, then you need to quickly decide exactly what heroic skill improve. Plus, periodically of the chests and defeated enemies (especially if they are elite) fall out the so-called occult scrolls, which are also ordinary, rare and legendary. They give different interesting effects – for example, it allows you to not spend the cartridges within two seconds after the murder of the enemy or when the jerk is activated by zipper, which rolls opponents.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

We must take!

Ideally, it is better to combine the properties from scrolls, weapons and the skills of the hero – for example, to bet on one type of spontaneous damage, reinforcing its effects from different sources. In addition, sometimes offered to get / replace more rare and even legendary properties (“inscriptions”) for guns and scrolls, but for it will have to sacrifice something or agree to take a damn scroll. And the latter are endowed with unpleasant features – let’s say, the rise in prices for the merchant, a decrease in the store’s capacity, the chance that you will apply the unit of damage or that when recharging the consumption of cartridges will double.

In general, despite the inevitable rand in the fall out of everything that it can fall, the options to influence the situation and the style of passage is enough.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Straight Serious SAM with kittens!

Cats, peaches and bears against all

As you can see, the mechanics are understandable and familiar. So what does Gunfire Reborn so interesting deserving our “raisin”? Well, first, already mentioned wealth in the choice of weapons – from pistols to rockets, swords and crossbows, not to mention exotic samples like figurines of fire dragon or salamandra. Secondly, the action itself. Yes, this is not such a speed, shooter, like the same ziggurat 2, but still very dynamic and more comfortable – jump and make jerks, I’m not shooting anywhere and without tormenting.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

New heroes open slowly, so they will often have to play the company of the same cats and bears.

I liked the abundance of species of enemies with your tactics, a lot of tests, when we are locked up and offered to stand up against the crowd of strong opponents, as well as the possibility through faults in the walls to penetrate the unique treasury, where the participants of the competition are waiting for new traps, rivals and coats with weapons and scrolls.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Purple spot on the wall – this is the entrance to the treasury.

But the main thing is, of course, cooperative. First allow only to invite friends, but after receiving the desired level of abilities, the lobby is available and free. There are no special skills for a cooperative – you only need to keep together, to cover each other and resurrect the fallen in time (if you did not have time to do it in battle, then allow to reanimate the ally in a stray merchant). But still play together – it is more fun, and faster, although the enemies also become stronger.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Elite opponents come across very strong.

And even such a friendly team is not always obtained from the first attempt to go through the largest bosses of the region. But besides the starting, normal complexity there are also higher, which are opening gradually.

Gunfire Reborn: Video Game Overview

Gunfire Reborn is a practically perfect example of a shooter crossed with a “balcker”, a dynamic fighter, pleasing a lot of pumping options, heroes and weapons, a bunch of bosses and, most importantly, a vigorous cooperative, which has no problems with the connection and server work.

Pros: Dynamic and fascinating gameplay in the format of a horror shooter;Many types of weapons, enemies, heroes and bosses;Interesting mechanics of occult scrolls;The weapon sounds great and felt in different ways;rustic, but pretty and bright picture;Atmospheric music with Asian motives.

Minuses: I have to save for a long time on new heroes.

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